9 Home Remedies for Sore Throats

9 Home Remedies for Sore Throats

Having trouble swallowing and experiencing a burning or itchy throat can occasionally be the first and most obvious signs of a cold or flu. Other factors that may contribute to it include speaking too much, speaking in a loud or high tone, or breathing through your mouth. Most of the time, a cough and sore throat are not emergency symptoms that need to be treated with prescription cold medications. Instead, you can use items from your kitchen or backyard to relieve your symptoms. Viral infections and the common cold are the most common causes of sore throats and coughs. Mucus and phlegm are produced when these viruses cause inflammation, which irritates the upper respiratory tract.


There are more serious causes that can produce a cough such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or lung cancer. If you are suffering from a dry cough for weeks or months you should see your doctor.


Home Remedies:

Lemon- One of the most effective and well-known remedies to soothe the throat and alleviate pain is to use lemon. Boil a lemon with the peel on, add a spoonful of thyme in about two glasses of water. After its boiled extract the juice, the perfect sweetener and sore throat remedy is honey. This is like a hot lemonade, boiling the lemon skin will add extra vitamin C.


Dates- Have anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an infusion with 4 dates cut up in water, then gargle with it.

Salvia- Used as an antiseptic for breathing pathways. Place a spoonful of dry salvia in boiling water for 10 minutes, wait until cool and gargle with it.


Honey- This natural well-known remedy has anti-bacterial properties, it will help in purifying and alleviating your sore throat. At least 2-3 teaspoons per day should be taken. You can use it for sweetening beverages if you like.


Apple cider vinegar and water- Mix two teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of water and gargle for a minute, do not swallow! Repeat two times every 3-5 hours.


Chamomile- You can make tea using tea bags or the plant itself, you can mix with salvia for better results, then gargle when water is cool enough.


Eucalyptus- Eucalyptus oil is used for congestion and flu, its effective for sore throats and throat inflammation. Indeed, several commercial and medicated cold syrups contain eucalyptus extracts. Herbalists recommend cutting off fresh leaves of this tree and make a gargle solution or a tea with honey and lemon.


Peppermint tea- Collect some leaves of peppermint and prepare an infusion with honey and leaves, boil and let cool. Menthol has antibacterial and astringent properties that will cause a refreshing effect in your throat preventing infection.


General recommendations- Avoid cold drinks, enjoy teas such as the above mentioned, maintain a warm temperature around your throat and neck using sweaters and if possible a scarf.


1 comment

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