Don’t Throw Out Those Citrus Peels. Here’s 10 Genius Ways To Re-Use Them!!!

Don’t Throw Out Those Citrus Peels. Here’s 10 Genius Ways To Re-Use Them!!!


Don’t Throw Out Those Citrus Peels. Here’s 10 Genius Ways To Re-Use Them!!!

Citrus fruits among the healthiest foods. According to a document prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, citrus contains a lengthy list of vitamin and minerals.

Vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, folate, potassium, and calcium are just a few of the many nutrients found in citrus.

These nutrients make the fruit effective at preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, anaemia, and cataracts. The fruit also impacts bone density and cognitive function. Many of the nutrients in citrus are found in the fruit’s peel. Here are 10 genius ways to re-use citrus peels and get the maximum benefit of citrus. 

1. Air freshener.

  • The Frugal Girl has a recipe for air freshener that is deliciously warm.
  • Toss citrus peels, cinnamon sticks, and whole cloves in a pot.
  • Cover with water and bring to a low simmer.
  • Turn the stove to a low temperature and let the simmering fragrance fill your home.

2. Zest.

  • You may be surprised to learn the zest from a citrus peel is more nutrient dense than the inside of the fruit.
  • Follow the advice of Best Health Magazine Canada and stir lemon or lime zest into yogurt or blend it in a smoothie.
  • You can also add fresh zest to baked good likes muffins and pies.

3. Candied peels.

  • Step up your pastry game with candied peel garnishes.
  • TheKitchn has an easy recipe that only requires lemons, salt, sugar, and water.
  • When refrigerated, the candied peels will last for several weeks.

4. Tea.

  • Dry peels and add them to a homemade tea mix, as recommended by TheKitchn.
  • To dry them, simply leave them out on on a plate or drying rack.
  • After a few days they should be nice and crisp.
  • If you’re in a rush, toast them in the oven at 200°F until dry.

5. Fireplace kindling.

  • Make a fragrant fire by adding dried citrus peels to fire kindling, as suggested by TheKitchn.

6. Exfoliate.

  • This luxurious exfoliating scrub will give you glowing skin.
  • Experts Column suggests mixing equal parts lemon peel powder and sea salt with rose water.
  • Gently rub the scrub all over the body to remove dead skin cells and detox the skin.
  • For best results, use twice weekly.

7. Skin Bleaching.

  • Lighten skin with a mask made from dried lemon rind powder and milk.
  • Allow citrus peels to dry in the sun and then crush them to make a fine powder.
  • Mix with milk and apply the mask to your face. Relax for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Experts Column says this home remedy works because the citrus acid functions as a bleaching agent.

8. Acne scars.

  • Take care of acne scars with this easy DIY face mask.
  • Gently massage a mixture made from lemon peel powder and coconut oil onto the face.
  • Relax for a minimum of 1 hour.
  • Experts Column says if you leave the mask on overnight and repeat daily, your acne scars may disappear.

9. Teeth whitener.

  • Experts Column says rubbing a lemon rind on your teeth will whiten them.

10. Wrinkles.

  • The anti-oxidants and pectin in lemon peels make citrus a fantastic fighter against aging.
  • Experts Column recommends mixing lemon peel powder with papaya juice and allowing the mask to soak into the skin for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water and follow-up with a moisturizer.
Clean The Blood Vessels With Baking Soda: One Cup Of This Drink Removes Bad Cholesterol

Clean The Blood Vessels With Baking Soda: One Cup Of This Drink Removes Bad Cholesterol

Clean The Blood Vessels With Baking Soda: One Cup Of This Drink Removes Bad Cholesterol

This is a magical mixture who will help you to get rid of bad cholesterol and clean the blood vessels. This mixture you need to drink every morning.

With elevated blood fats or cholesterol, many people are struggling in the modern world due to rapid lifestyle, but also due to a genetic predisposition. Normal cholesterol level is between 4.60 and 6.20 mmol / L.

This syrup has proven to be very effective in removing high cholesterol.


  • 1 kg of lemon;
  • 5-6 sprig of parsley;
  • 3 l of water;
  • 1 sachet baking soda.


Lemon washed first with cold water, then soak it in warm water and pour a bag of baking soda.Allow standing for about an hour. Parsley together with the stem cut into smaller pieces.What a few days of solitude that you can do: Harmful!Lemon with rind finely chop. Parsley and lemon in the pot and pour three liters of water.Cook for 2-3 hours. When cooked, drain. It should be of a chance to get 1.5 liters of syrup.

It is drunk every morning on an empty stomach, measure one full glass of brandy. The measure is sufficient for 15 days if you drink every morning.

Here Are 10 Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong All Your Life & How To Do Them Right!!!

Here Are 10 Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong All Your Life & How To Do Them Right!!!

Here Are 10 Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong All Your Life & How To Do Them Right!!!

Such is the pace of life these days that we tend to go through our daily routine and perform certain tasks in a certain way as if functioning on autopilot.

But amid this hustle and bustle, there are actually some very simple everyday things that we have been doing wrong pretty much all our lives.

This will probably come to you as a bit of a surprise. You might even start to wonder just how on earth you did not pay more attention to the supposedly correct way of doing these little things until now. In any case, the rather strange reality is that our approach towards many simple everyday things has been wrong and there is lots of room for correction and improvement. So, without further ado, we present to you 15 of the most basic daily activities that you need to relearn doing. 

Excessive Use of Soap While Bathing

  • Our skin has a tendency to become drier as we grow older. Soap, which is an astringent, causes skin cells to contract and aggravates that dryness of the skin. Therefore, it is highly advisable to use an as little amount of soap as possible.
  • The trick is to only apply soap on parts of the body where it is absolutely necessary, for example, skin folds. For the rest of the body, some soapy water is good enough to keep it clean and provide you that feeling of freshness.

Gripping the Steering Wheel of Your Car

  • Chances are you have been driving your car around town while holding the steering wheel incorrectly. While it is true that one should go for the type of steering wheel grip which is convenient and comfortable instead of relying on what people think is the right way, it never hurts to take a few safety precautions which will help keep you safe in case of an accident.
  • The most secure way to hold your steering wheel is to keep your hands on both ends of the diametric line, as indicated in the photo above. This grip ensures that the airbags will not open into your hands and arms, leaving your head and upper body unprotected.

Flushing the Toilet

  • We can say with a lot of certainties that you have a habit of flushing the toilet with the toilet cover up instead of down. Stop doing this today if you do not want any more germs hovering around your bathroom and sticking to your towel, toothbrush, and soap bar. Whenever you flush a toilet, the whirling water mixes with little bits of feces and tends to release them in the air somewhat. So please, keep that toilet cover down when flushing.

The Right Time for Applying Deodorant to Your Body

  • Many health sciences experts agree that it is actually a mistake to apply deodorant to your body after taking a shower in the morning. This is because deodorant clogs the sweat pores of your body and since you sweat a lot more in the morning than at night, the deodorant just washes away.
  • The best time, therefore, to use deodorant is just before going to bed at night. This is when your skin is a lot drier and the sweat glands do not produce as much sweat. Also, deodorant lasts about 24 hours, meaning that your sweat pores will still be plugged after your shower the following morning.

Covering the Mouth While Coughing

  • Ever since we were little kids, our elders taught us to cover our coughs and sneezes using our hands. Turns out, that is completely wrong. After coughing, you touch other things with your hands and viruses spread quite readily through touch. So, rather than using your hands to cover a cough or sneeze, use the inside of your elbows to prevent germs from spreading.

Cleaning Your Kitchen Blender

  • Save time and effort by not scrubbing your blender in order to clean it. Instead, pour water into the blender and add some dishwashing liquid. Now blend and your work is done, just like that.

Brushing Teeth Horizontally

  • One of the most common mistakes that people make every day is to brush teeth horizontally and neglecting to floss. The proper way to brush teeth is to make quick vertical movements of the brush, starting from the gums to the end of the teeth. Also, take at least 2 to 3 minutes to brush your teeth fully. However, the vast majority of us takes less than a minute to brush their teeth.

Working Continuously Without Regular Short Breaks for Rest

  • Okay, let’s be honest. When we are in the zone while working, it is easier to keep going and concentrating on the work. This productive time should be utilized fully to achieve maximum results. However, the issue is that most of us do not even try to pinpoint our most productive hours of the day, that time when our energy and concentration levels are the highest.
  • Find your most productive hours and make full use of them. If your attention and focus are at an optimum level from 12 to 2, then do not take a break at 1. Plan your breaks in such a way that they do not take away your high productivity hours.

Exercising Without Proper Warmup

  • This is another common mistake that many people are guilty of making. More often than not, this causes people to damage their muscles. Therefore, it is essential to start your workout routine with a proper warmup. Also, make sure you do some stretching after your workout as this will help avoid sudden muscular pain and possible injuries.

Hanging Trousers on a Hanger

  • When you hang your trousers on a hanger, they are bound to get fold marks or lines. These lines give a rather ungainly look to the whole garment.
  • But you can easily avoid this by using a paper towel tube. All you have to do is make a lengthwise cut in the tube, cover the hanger’s rod with it, and seal it with tape. This will enable you to easily roll your trousers on and off the hanger and prevent any fold marks.

Taking a Bath in a Hot Tub

  • Who among us does not crave a relaxing hot bath after a long day at work? Turns out, this supposedly pleasurable activity can be really harmful for your body if you are not careful. Excess of hot water can cause stress for your heart and veins. Also, taking long hot baths regularly means that your skin is exposed to too much heat treatment and starts showing signs of aging rather quickly as a result.
  • So, try not to stay in that hot tub for more than 20 minutes. It is also advisable to use warm water for your bath if you want to stay in that tub for a longer period of time.

The Quantity of Toothpaste on Your Toothbrush

  • While brushing our teeth every day, we all use toothpaste quantity to match the length of the strands of a toothbrush. However, this is unnecessary according to dental experts. This is also one of the finest advertising ploys of our time. In every toothpaste ad, we see the brush strands fully covered with the paste. In reality, this is just a convenient trick to make you consume more toothpaste and buy more of it regularly.
  • According to dental experts, you only need toothpaste the size of a pea for effective brushing. The toothpaste is simply to facilitate the cleaning process by softening up the dental plaque. You really do not need to fill your mouth with that minty foam in order to clean your teeth well.

Sleeping Curled Up In a Ball or With Your Face Down

  • You may feel that you get your best sleep when lying face down with your nose in the pillow or when curled up like a ball. But these positions put tremendous stress on your back and spine. This regular pressure on the spine can resultantly cause pain in other parts of the body and make you feel more tired during the day.
  • The best position for sleeping is to sleep on your back as this will keep not just your spine but also your neck healthy.
Do You Know The Difference Between Lemon & Lime!!!?

Do You Know The Difference Between Lemon & Lime!!!?

Do You Know The Difference Between Lemon & Lime!!!?

While some people think of a lemon and a lime as interchangeable, there are a number of differences between these two fruits, as well as unique health benefits to both!

Difference Between Lemon & Lime

A lemon is scientifically known as Citrus limon and is the fruit of the lemon tree, which is a small evergreen tree that is native to Asia. In comparison, limes are actually a hybridized citrus fruit and come in many different varieties around the world. The shape of a lemon is ellipsoidal, and the ripened fruit is a bright yellow in color. People cultivate this fruit for culinary reasons, due to the tart, refreshing flavor of lemons, but lemons are also famed for their use of a cleaning product and an element in natural healing.

Lemons are high in citric acid and vitamin C, as well as a wide range of other phytochemicals, tannins, and polyphenolic compounds. This gives lemons and lemon juice a powerful effect on human health. Lemons have slightly more vitamin C than limes, although their nutritional content is very similar in other respects. Lemons are also slightly less acidic than limes on the pH scale.

Although some people mistakenly think that limes are simply lemons that haven’t ripened yet, they are sorely mistaken. Key limes are also known as the “bartender’s lime”, and are some of the most famous varieties in the world. In comparison, limes are slightly smaller than most lemons, but share the slightly ellipsoidal or oval shape of lemons, adding to the confusion between the two varieties. Limes are slightly higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein than lemons, but the difference is negligible. In terms of taste, limes tend to be more sour or tart, in comparison to lemons, owing to the lower sugar content in limes.

Taste Of Lemon & Lime

  • Lemons typically have more sugar, which often gives them a sweeter flavor than limes, whereas limes are tart, making them ideal for cocktails and beverages with a bit more bite.
  • Eating pure lemon juice or lime juice can be equally unpleasant experiences, which is why they are usually mixed with other drinks or ingredients before being consumed.

Health Benefits Of Lemon & Lime

  • While the two fruits clearly have a number of differences, in size, color, nutritional value, and species, the two citrus fruits do have a great deal in common as well.
  • These two fruit varieties share many of the same health benefits, as outlined below, making them some of the most popular and important citrus fruits you can add to your diet.

Boost Immunity

  • The reason vitamin C is such an important element of a healthy diet is that of its effect on the immune system.
  • Also known as ascorbic acid, this critical vitamin stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense for the body when it is attacked by an illness or infection.
  • The vitamin C content in a single lemon or lime represents 64% and 35%, respectively, of the daily recommended amount.

Speed Up Healing

  • Vitamin C is also a critical vitamin in the production of collagen, which goes on to produce all the muscle, skin cells, tissue, and bone throughout the body.
  • Without the vitamin C of lemons and limes, recovery from illness and injury would be much slower.

Optimize Digestion

  • Lemons and limes both contain high levels of dietary fiber. With about 3 grams of fiber in each fruit, they represent about 10% of the daily recommended amount of fiber, which can bulk up the stool, reduce constipation, and eliminate excess gas and be bloating.

Boost Circulation

  • Both of these citrus fruits contain significant levels of iron, which is an important element in hemoglobin.
  • Without proper iron levels, people will suffer from anemia, characterized by weakness, fatigue, cognitive confusion, and light-headedness.

Prevent Cancer

  • Citrus fruits like lemons and limes contain high levels of other antioxidants, besides vitamin C, and these phytonutrients can counteract the effects of free radicals, which cause oxidative stress and increase your risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer.

Aid in Weight Loss

The high fiber level and low-calorie count make these citrus fruits ideal for weight-loss efforts. The fruits can make you feel full, as a result of the fiber, and won’t elevate your calorie count to feel satiated. This will cut back on snacking between meals and overeating, perfect for someone trying to shed some pounds!


Lemon Or Lime – Which One Is Better?

  1. Lemons have a slight edge in terms of nutrients, taste, and versatility in cooking and beverages.
  2. Limes do have high concentrations of vitamin C and other antioxidants and can be used in many ways in cooking and cocktail-making. However, while both of these fruits are very good for overall health, lemons would likely win the nutritional battle!
Ward Off Illness By Making A Cup Of Tea That Contains A Common Household Spice

Ward Off Illness By Making A Cup Of Tea That Contains A Common Household Spice

Ward Off Illness By Making A Cup Of Tea That Contains A Common Household Spice

A healthy, golden spice, turmeric contains a substance called curcumin. This substance has proven to have some great health benefits. Those who like to use healthy ways to treat ailments may want to check out turmeric’s health benefits.

According to, in order to get useful amounts of curcumin, turmeric extract is really what you want to take as it is far more concentrated. You can also add turmeric to your diet by adding this spice to your your cooking or making a tea. Here are 6 ways turmeric might benefit you.

1. Manage cholesterol. According to WebMD, turmeric extract may be able to help lower cholesterol in people who are overweight. The recommendation is to take it two times a day for three months.

2. Manage pain. For those who suffer from osteoarthritis, turmeric extract appears to work as well as ibuprofen in relieving the pain and discomfort.

3. Reduce itchy skin. Some people who suffer from long-term kidney disease may also have a problem with itchy skin. WebMD reports that turmeric extract taken orally three times a day for eight weeks has helped reduce the itchiness of the skin.

4. Control irritable bowel syndrome. Some people claim that the curcumin in turmeric helps reduce the discomfort of IBS. Medical News Today gives a recipe for turmeric tea you can try. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and let it simmer for 10 minutes. You can add some raw honey and milk for additional flavor.

5. Stop wound odor. WebMD says that turmeric ointment may help stop the odor and itching that come with certain types of wounds caused by cancer. Daily Health Post makes an ointment out of 1 ounce turmeric powder, 2 ounces neem oil, 1 ounce coconut oil, 1 ounce lemon juice and 10 drops tea tree oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in a jar. Apply the ointment to the wounds and let it sit for 20 minutes before cleaning it off. Be aware that turmeric stains.

6. Relieve an upset stomach. Taking turmeric extract by mouth four times a day for a week may also help relieve dyspepsia. If you feel like taking it in in the form of a drink, you can make “Golden Milk.” Wellness Mama combines 2 cups of coconut milk, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup, a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of cayenne pepper in a blender and mixes well. Pour it in a pan to heat and then drink it.

As winter settles in and you’re looking for a new drink, cook up a batch of turmeric tea and get some of the benefits of the spice while staying warm. How great is that?
Here Are 5 Homemade Remedies To Lower Your Cholesterol! You’ll Be Surprised By The Results!!!

Here Are 5 Homemade Remedies To Lower Your Cholesterol! You’ll Be Surprised By The Results!!!

Here Are 5 Homemade Remedies To Lower Your Cholesterol! You’ll Be Surprised By The Results!!!

High cholesterol is a very common problem, affecting 42 million Americans. If you are over age 20, you should measure your cholesterol levels at least once every five years, so high cholesterol will not come as a surprise one day.

There are numerous factors that can cause high cholesterol. The most common ones include the processed foods and the sedentary lifestyle which makes our body store almost all the food that we consume daily.

Many people do not take high cholesterol seriously. In fact, if your cholesterol is over 200, you should consider this serious because it can trigger further problem and develop into a chronic health problem. In other words, you will be more likely to experience cardiovascular problems, arteriosclerosis, coronary illness, and angina chest pain.

As you can see, it is of utmost importance to protect your health as soon as possible. You will need to make significant changes in your lifestyle. The first thing you should do is changing your diet. Avoid all the processed foods and make sure that you have a low-fat diet. Another very important thing is to say goodbye to your sedentary lifestyle. Start to exercise, and be active!

At first, perhaps it will be hard to embrace these changes, however, in the end, your body will thank you. It is essential to choose an activity that you like, so you will not give up. It depends on you, but make sure to choose something that you can keep up with!

In addition, we have 5 natural solutions that will successfully reduce your cholesterol. Take a look at the recipes below!

1. Oatmeal water


  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 12 cups of water
  • 1 stick of cinnamon

Preparation Method

  1. Put the oats in the mixer.
  2. Pour a sufficient amount of water and mix well.
  3. You should put the rest of the water in a big pot, add the oats and heat.
  4. Make sure to strain well.


2. Cabbage waterIngredients

  • ½ head of cabbage
  • 12 cups of water
  • Utensils
  • A glass bottle

Preparation Method

  1. You should warm the water, add the cabbage, and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then, drain the liquid and store in a bottle.
  3. Place it in the fridge and drink cold.

As in the first recipe, you can consume up to a liter a day.


3. Artichoke waterIngredients

  • 8 cups of water
  • 2 artichokes

Preparation Method

  1. Heat the water until it reaches its boiling point.
  2. Wash the artichokes and add them to the water.
  3. Let them infuse for 15 minutes.
  4. Make sure to strain well, and place it in the fridge.


Drink this during the day, up to 1 quart.4. Rid the arteries of cholesterol & olive oil. 


5. Carrot & Spinach juiceIngredients

  • 3 carrots
  • 2 spinach leaves

Preparation Method

  1. You need to chop the carrots into small pieces. Slice the spinach leaves and liquefy everything.
  2. If you notice that it has a thick consistency, make sure to add water

Oatmeal is an exceptional source of fiber. It is very beneficial for fighting cholesterol. It envelopes the cholesterol molecules, thus purify the arteries.


Way to consume:

If you want, you can put this in the refrigerator and consume it up to a quart during the day.

The efficiency of cabbage water is due to the rich content of fiber that cabbage has. The method of preparation is very easy and simple.

Way to consume:

Soluble fats and omega 3 can increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the bad one (LDL). It is recommended to use olive oil unheated due to the fact that during heating, this oil can lose its beneficial properties and compounds. The process of heating will destroy the molecular structure and change the fat into a substance dangerous for our health. Make sure to add avocado and fish (tuna and salmon) in your diet as well.


Way to consume

This juice should be consumed after each meal. Its regular consumption will effectively rid the arteries of cholesterol.

As you can see, trying these solutions can help you to effectively lower the cholesterol. However, don’t forget what we said earlier. In order to get the best results and obtain the maximum benefits of these foods, you should make some changes in your lifestyle.

If you decide to start running after a year of not having any exercise, make sure you do this gradually. In the beginning, you can’t give yourself a goal of running an hour a day. The same thing applies to your diet. You can’t stop eating meat from one day to the next. Eliminate foods that contain the most fat. What we are trying to say is that it takes some time to reduce your cholesterol and improve your overall health.

7 Beauty Uses for Witch Hazel

7 Beauty Uses for Witch Hazel

7 Beauty Uses for Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a remarkable substance with oh so many uses, many of which happen to fit in perfectly with our beauty routines. From fighting acne and reducing the pain of a sunburn to making dark circles disappear, witch hazel is an absolute must-have for your medicine cabinet—and considering it’s crazy affordable and easy to find, we’d be surprised if you don’t have it already.

1. Witch hazel works to constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation, which makes it one of the few methods of actually healing and lessening the appearance of bruises.

Saturate a cotton ball or cloth with witch hazel and apply it to skin like a toner a few times daily, and you should notice a much shorter healing time.

2. That old trope about Preparation H making a great under-eye cream is categorically false, but there is a bit of scientific truth behind it:

Witch hazel is often a key ingredient in hemorrhoid creams, so take away all the other ingredients and apply straight-up witch hazel to undereye bags and dark circles for a brightening, tightening effect.

3. A swipe of witch hazel is one of our favorite natural toners, as its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties work to keep the skin clean and clear without overdrying or causing irritation.

It’s particularly helpful for acne-prone skin, thanks to witch hazel’s ability to calm inflammation and act as a natural astringent—it’ll clear up blemishes and prevent new ones from forming.

4. Ingrown hairs aren’t just an annoying beauty problem—they can also be super painful, which is the worst kind of beauty problem, indeed.

If you’re prone to ingrowns after shaving or waxing, witch hazel works both as an anti-inflammatory and as a blood vessel constrictor to nip any bleeding in the bud. It’ll also prevent infection by curbing the growth of bacteria.

5. The physical effects of sunburn—swelling, itching, pain, redness—are caused by inflammation, and witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory. You see where we’re going with this. Witch hazel can’t cure your UV overexposure, but it will help to temporarily soothe skin and mitigate the burning feeling.

Use a wash cloth to apply it to affected areas, or use a cotton ball for smaller spots.

6. Cooling witch hazel curbs itching and burning sensations, which makes it especially helpful for treating bug bites or even poison ivy. Just dab a bit of the liquid on bites for instant relief, thanks to the astringent properties.

Bonus: witch hazel actually repels mosquitoes, so not only will it relieve you of your current bites, but it’ll prevent future ones, too.

7. Minor wounds, cuts, burns, and scrapes are no match for witch hazel, which protects against infection without the drying, skin-damaging effects of alcohol-based astringents.

It eases pain, curbs bleeding, and speeds up the healing process, so it’s pretty much all you need to treat that curling iron burn that never seems to go away.
Beet Recipe That Can Help Detox Your Colon & Liver!!!

Beet Recipe That Can Help Detox Your Colon & Liver!!!

Beet Recipe That Can Help Detox Your Colon & Liver!!!

Some of these ingredients used for this detox have been used for centuries, even millenniums. For example, beats have been used in Africa, Asia, and Europe for thousands of years for a whole spectrum of reasons.

Since the liver is the primary organ meant for detox. Depending on your lifestyle, your liver can suffer some damage and can stop working the way it did. If you’re on the road to changing this lifestyle, you should definitely look into this detox regimen.

Beets are good for using because they contain the very well-known dietary fibers that clean up your system and entire digestive tract very effectively. Beets support the colon health too because they make elimination easier. 


  • Apples are healthy detox ingredients because they contain high levels of pectin which helps the entire digestive tract to get rid of all the unnecessary toxins that do nothing but damage to the body.


Ginger Root

  • Constipation, bloating, and many other digestive tract related issues are some of the problems ginger root can help you out with.
  • Not only your liver and colon health, but you can even use ginger if you have ulcer problems.



  • Lemon is an amazing detox tool that you can use to benefit your colon and liver health.
  • Containing large quantities of vitamin C, it’s perfect for refreshing your metabolism.
  • Take some lemon juice after squeezing it in the morning with some water and stimulate your liver.



  • Kale is a fantastic helper to the liver because leafy greens of this kind are versatile when it comes to consumption since you can eat them either juiced, cooked or even raw.
  • This green is good for neutralizing the toxins in your system that cause damage to the colon and liver, so it’s perfect for consumption. 


Carrots & Beets

Both are lacking in vitamin A and plant-flavonoids. This is good because they refresh and stimulate the overall system, as well as liver.


Here’s how to prepare your very own Beet Juice for detoxing your colon and liver



  • Three washed and peeled carrots
  • Six Kale Leaves
  • ½ Lemon, peeled
  • ½ Inch Ginger Root
  • Two Washed and Cut Red Apples
  • One peeled and washed beet


Preparation Method

  1. Firstly, add two cups of water in a blender.
  2. Then, put all ingredients inside and blend.
  3. After everything is looking smooth and fine, take out of the blender and mix again just to make sure.
  4. You can put some ice to serve with and to make it taste even fresher.
  5. Find nice mason jars to store in.
Why You Should Freeze Every Lemon You Consume!!!

Why You Should Freeze Every Lemon You Consume!!!

Why You Should Freeze Every Lemon You Consume!!!

You surely have already heard about the method of freezing lemons, but if you do not know the health benefits of this procedure, you must read on.

“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruits, impede both ER+ and ER-breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.”

Moreover, it is extremely important not to throw any parts of the lemon. Instead, just buy organic lemons, wash them, and place them in the freezer.

As soon as they are frozen, you can grate them or shred the entire fruits, without being peeled previously.

Then, you can sprinkle your soups, noodles, desserts, salads, cereals, and so on. This will enrich the taste of the meal and provide numerous health benefits.

The lemon peels contain 5-10 times more nutrients than the lemon juice, and they can be of great help in the detoxification of the body.

Lemons are highly beneficial fruits and can be used in the treatment of numerous ailments and diseases.

What has been confirmed by numerous studies is that frozen lemons are also remarkable as a cyst treatment, treat bacterial and fungal infections due to their potent anti-microbial properties, treat depression, regulate blood pressure, eliminate internal parasites and worms, and reduce stress and nervous disorders.

All this information has been revealed by one of the biggest drug manufacturers in the world.

Therefore, do not hesitate to freeze lemons and enjoy their numerous health benefits. You are the only one responsible for your own health, so make sure you maintain it!
Cholesterol, Stop Headaches & Treat Sore Throat As Well!!!

Cholesterol, Stop Headaches & Treat Sore Throat As Well!!!

Cholesterol, Stop Headaches & Treat Sore Throat As Well!!!

Besides being used as a spice, oregano can also be consumed in the form of tea. In fact, oregano tea has been used for a variety of health problems in the past thanks to its unique nutritional profile.

The herb contains thymol and rosmarinic acid as well as other antioxidants which can prevent cellular damage and prevent numerous problems.

Oregano is a herb which comes from the mint family. It is commonly used in the Italian cuisine and contains more than 40 different medicinal compounds that have antioxidant properties and can fight free radicals. The herb has antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well which can stop bacteria from spreading.

In the past, oregano tea was mainly used to treat a sore throat and sinus infections. One recent study discovered that the extract may also help in the elimination of colon cancer cells, although further studies are needed before conclusions can be drawn. The tea can definitely help in the treatment of various cardiovascular problems by reducing the amount of cholesterol in your blood. The tea works perfectly against almost any ailment thanks to its antioxidant properties and its ability to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what it can help you with:
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Sinus infections
  • Nasal congestion
  • A sore throat
  • Colds and the flu
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Urinary problems
  • Menstrual pain
  • Back pain
  • Constipation
  • Parasitic infections


Here’s how to prepare oregano tea at home:


  • 2 cups water
  • A tablespoon of fresh or dry oregano leaves


Preparation Method

  1. You just need to boil the water, then pour it over the oregano leaves in a bowl.
  2. Steep the tea for 5 more minutes, strain it and drink it warm.
  3. No matter if you choose fresh or dry oregano leaves, the tea will have positive effects on your health.
  4. Start drinking it today and you’ll feel much better soon.