How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Fingernails!!!

How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Fingernails!!!

How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Fingernails!!!

Those who suffer from this condition called ingrown fingernails only know, how uncomfortable and sometimes how painful it is to live with these ingrown fingernails! But what is ingrown fingernail at the first place?

The ingrown fingernail is medically known as Onychocryptosis. It is there when the edge of one or more of your fingernails grow into the skin surrounding it.

Such an ingrown nail curves down into the surrounding skin of the nail as it grows. This causes the skin to grow over the nail and thus it is called ingrown fingernail. While many of your fingernails can become ingrown, the toenails and particularly the big toenail, are more susceptible to this condition.

What are the Causes of Ingrown Fingernails

The most general cause of ingrown fingernail is the improper trimming of the nail. However, there may be many other causes.

Ill-fitting shoes can cause an ingrown toenail.
Cutting nails incorrectly, as mentioned earlier, is the most common cause of ingrown nail.
Injury to your nail or the skin around it may also lead to an ingrown nail.
Sometimes heredity too plays a role in giving you ingrown nails.
If you naturally have too large nails that curve naturally again, you are at an increased risk of having ingrown fingernails.
Whatever may be the cause for your ingrown fingernail, it may become infected if you leave it untreated.


Home Remedies to get rid of Ingrown Fingernail

  • If you notice redness, swelling and feel pain around your toenail or any other fingernail, check for an ingrown nail.
  • These are the symptoms of an ingrown fingernail.
  • Sometimes there is pus drainage too that may indicate infection in that area.
  • If so, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there is still no infection, you can rely on the home treatment for the ingrown fingernail.
  • These include taking proper care of nails and using certain home remedies to get rid of ingrown fingernails as well as their symptoms.


Soak Ingrown Fingernail in Warm Water

  • Nothing soothes an inflamed area of your skin like warm water does.
  • You don’t need anything else, just some warm water.
  • Soak your finger in this warm water. Keep in mind the following tips.

Get this

  • Warm water
  • Towel

Do this

  • Take some warm water, enough to soak your affected finger or toe, in a bowl.
  • Soak your finger with an ingrown nail in this water.
  • Let it soak for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Now, take out your hand or foot and properly dry it with the towel.
  • Remember, other than when you soak your fingers in warm water, they should remain dry.
  • Keeping your fingers wet or even moist may lead to the growth of bacteria or fungi and give you an infection.
  • Repeat the soaking procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Once your nail and surrounding skin become soft after soaking, you can clip off the ingrown nail but do this only if you are able to see the thing clearly and easily. Do not aggravate the problem by pushing it deep into the skin while trying to clip it off.


Use Cotton Ball to Lift the Ingrown Nail

  • Our fingernails grow, on an average, 2-3 mm every month.
  • While they are growing, if you can give them the proper direction, they might not grow into your skin surrounding the nail.
  • You may take help of a humble cotton ball for this.

Get this

  • Cotton ball or a small piece of cotton
  • Tweezers (optional)

Do this

  • Take the cotton piece and wedge it under the edge of your nail where there is an ingrown nail.
  • You may take help of the tweezers if needed. Do not, however, push too hard.
  • This should be preferably done just after you have soaked your fingers in warm water (see the previous remedy).
  • Just after soaking, both your nail and the surrounding skin are soft and flexible.
  • Thus it would not give you pain or create much problem in lifting the nail as compared to then when your skin is rigid due to being dry.
  • This act will lift away the ingrown nail and will enable it to grow against your skin and not into it.
  • Keep doing this for few days till you get satisfied that now your nail is not in growing.
  • Don’t let the cotton there for several hours and never for more than a day (in extreme cases though this is also not acceptable).
  • This gives rise to chances of nail getting infected easily.
How To Prevent Tachycardia For Less Than 1 Minute!

How To Prevent Tachycardia For Less Than 1 Minute!

How To Prevent Tachycardia For Less Than 1 Minute!

In today’s fast life filled with stress, we cannot be not frustrated. Heartbeat, tachycardia is just one of the many consequences of the stressful life that we live.

Many of us know the feeling when the heart in the chest begins to work somewhat harder than usual. We offer two simple but effective methods that can help in accelerated heartbeat.

n a sudden fall in the temperature of the human body, the heart starts beating slowly. Thus the nervous system adjusts the body to the new conditions.

The heart responds fastest when the face is cooled, because it is closer than other parts of the body. 


First way:

In a bowl pour cold water. The cooler the water, the better, so if you have ice, add it.

Hold your breath if you need to press your nose with the fingers and suddenly put the face it in cold water for a few seconds.

If you do not have an appropriate container, fill water in the hands and put the face in them. You can also massage the skin with ice cubes, especially on the forehead.


Second way:

This procedure will act on the nerve that regulates the contraction of the heart. The technique is performed as follows:

Take a deep breath and tense your abdominal muscles. Close the eyes, the nose and mouth with the thumb and forefinger.

In that position try to exhale, and continues to tense the abdominal muscles.

Do not try none of these procedures if tachycardia is associated with severe chest pain and a feeling of breathlessness. In such situations, it is best to immediately call “ambulance”!

Pandan Leaves To Get Rid Of Toxins From Liver & Kidney!!!

Pandan Leaves To Get Rid Of Toxins From Liver & Kidney!!!

Pandan Leaves To Get Rid Of Toxins From Liver & Kidney!!!

Commonly used as food flavoring because of its aromatic smell, pandan leaves, also known as screwpine, is a tropical plant of in the Pandanus genus and is widely used in South Asian and Southeast Asian cooking.

Many countries use the plant, particularly its leaves in cooking. It is quite fragrant and can increase your appetite when added to meals. Pandan leaves are quite nutritious with some health benefits that can surprise you. But when it comes to detoxing, you will find pandan leaves very beneficial.

The main reason why we need to detoxify our bodies is that our bodies need rest from our unhealthy practices, such as eating unhealthy food and being exposed to harmful toxins in the environment that can promote cellular aging. When we detox, we shift our attention to healthy food and drinks, while flushing out toxins that can contribute to the accumulation of free radicals in the body. 

How Pandan Leaves Help in Detoxing the Body

  1. Pandan leaves are known for detoxifying the liver as well as the body.
  2. It is also a mild laxative and is considered safe for children.
  3. The leaves are a natural diuretic and can help improve the kidneys’ health.
  4. Apart from this, the plant has also shown abilities to neutralize toxins and at the same time, the leaves are used to release impurities from our bodies.
  5. The best way to use pandan leaves for detoxing is through the pandan leaf tea which is one of the drink recipes that can help remove toxins from the body.

To make the tea, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Four pandan leaves
  • One piece of ginger
  • Two tablespoons of palm sugar or unrefined sugar
  • Three cups of water
  • Once the ingredients above are ready, here’s what you should do to make the pandan leaf tea:

Boil water.

  • Once the water is boiling, add the ingredients above except the palm sugar.
  • Bring the ingredients to a boil as you adjust the heat to medium. Do this for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the liquid into a glass or a cup.
  • Finally, add the sugar. Let it cool and you can drink after.

Other Health Benefits of Pandan Leaves

  • Aside from helping detoxify the body, pandan leaves also have other health benefits, including:
  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Pain reliever, including for chest pains, headaches, arthritis, and earaches
  • Reducing oral discomfort
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Just by making the pandan leaf tea, you can start the detoxification process and even enjoy the other health benefits of the plant by simply adding it to your meals.
  • You can also use it in baking and desserts, such as in pastries and gelatins.
Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is Dangerously High (1 In 5 Don’t Know They Have It!)

Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is Dangerously High (1 In 5 Don’t Know They Have It!)


Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is Dangerously High (1 In 5 Don’t Know They Have It!)

High blood pressure is a disease where the blood flows through the blood vessels as well as arteries at a pressure higher than the normal. 

The treatment includes the use of dangerous beta-blockers, ACE inhibitor drugs, and diuretics, as well as salt restriction from the diet. These things do not get to the root of the issue. Most of the people do not display any signs or symptoms even when the blood pressure is at dangerously high level.

Systolic is the blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood, while diastolic pressure is the one when the heart is at rest between beats. The ranges include:

  • Normal: less than 120/80;
  • Prehypertension: 120-139/8—89;
  • Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140-159/90-99;
  • Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above.

Headaches, chest pain, nosebleeds, vision changes, confusion, and ear noise or buzzing are some warning signs of high blood pressure.

People have to keep their high blood pressure under control as at the age of 50 the total life expectancy is 5 years longer for people who have normal blood pressure than those with hypertension.


Complications of high blood pressure

It is considered to be the main cause for more than 360,000 American deaths, equaling 1,000 deaths a day. High blood pressure can increase the risks of dangerous conditions like:

  • Eye issues – high blood pressure causes thickened, narrowed, and torn blood vessels in the eyes;
  • Memory problems – it affects the ability to think, remember, and learn;
  • Chronic heart failure – seven out of 10 people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure;
  • First stroke – 8 of 10 people have their first stroke due to high blood pressure;
  • Metabolic syndrome – it is a combination of these health problems like high triglyceride levels, abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, or low HDL;
  • Aneyrism – it is formed because of high blood pressure as it causes the blood vessels to weaken and bludge.


Low blood pressure vs. high blood pressure

There are some warnings for high blood pressure:

  • Irregular heartbeat;
  • Ear noise or buzzing;
  • Nosebleed;
  • Chest pain;
  • Vision changes;
  • Confusion
  • Headaches;

Nearly 1 in 3 adults in America have prehypertension and that is when the blood pressure is higher than the normal, but not yet in the high blood pressure range. There are about 70 million Americans who are affected with this health issue and only half of them have their conditions under control.

While low blood pressure is manifested through:

  • Blurred vision;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Depression;
  • Nausea;
  • Fainting;
  • Fatigue;
  • Cold, clammy, pale skin;
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness;
  • Dehydration and unusual thirst.

The plague build up in the blood vessels, the blood flow to the heart muscle and brain drops with age, and when the pressure drops suddenly, the brain is deprived of the adequate blood supply causing dizziness and lightheadedness. There are 10-20% of people above the age of 65 who have postural hypotension. It is a sudden drop of blood pressure which appears when people suddenly rise from a sitting position to standing. Hypotension is a type of blood pressure when somebody stands for a longer period of time. When there are no symptoms, chronic low blood pressure is not serious. This condition can appear among people with heart issue, severe infection (septic shock), prolonged bed rest, decreased blood volume, pregnancy, anemia, naturally mediated hypotension, endocrine issues, allergic reactions, and certain medications like diuretics, beta blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, drugs for Parkinson’s disease, erectile dysfunction drugs especially in combination with nitroglycerin, narcotics, and alcohol.


Foods to avoid which make high blood pressure symptoms wore

  • Trans fats and omega-6 fats – the can be found in packaged foods and conventional meats;
  • Caffeine – reduce its intake if you have high blood pressure as it will increase it more;
  • Alcohol – it narrows arteries and increases blood pressure;
  • High sodium foods – avoid all canned and high sodium processed foods;
  • Sugar – if consumed in high doses it can contribute to high blood pressure.


Foods to eat which help heal high blood pressure symptoms

  • Omega-3 rich foods – it can be found in wild-caught salmon, flaxseed, grass-fed beef, and chia seeds;
  • Tea – white tea is good for consumption couple of times per day as it thins the blood and improves artery;
  • High-fiber foods – consume seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruits if you want to lower the pressure;
  • Apple cedar vinegar – it is high in potassium and will help you keep the body alkaline which lowers the blood pressure in a natural way;
  • Mediterranean diet – it is a diet rich in seafood, vegetables, fruits, and healthy omega-3 fat oils;
  • Dark chocolate – those that contain at least 200 mg of cocoa phenols can reduce blood pressure;
  • High-potassium foods – such foods lessen negative effects of sodium in the body and lowering blood pressure. Consume bananas, avocados, coconut butter, and melons.


Supplements for the symptoms of high blood pressure

  • Fish oil – it is high in EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation in the body. One of the main causes of high blood pressure is inflammation in the arteries. Take 1,000 mg of fish oil dose each day with your meals.
  • Cocoa – the intake of flavonoids will be increased if cocoa is consumed as it helps in lowering the blood pressure and improving the blood flow to the heart and brain. It is a natural vasodilator, thus it increases the nitric oxide in the blood and widen the blood vessels.
  • Coenzyme Q10 – this is an antioxidant which is critical for the support of heart health. Take 200-300 mg of it daily.
  • Magnesium – it relaxes the blood vessels, thus before you go to bed consume 500 mg of it.
  • Garlic – it is also available in pills or as a supplement liquid. Those who have uncontrolled hypertension have to use aged garlic because it has reduced peripheral and central blood pressure. Garlic has the power to improve inflammation, arterial stiffness, and other cardiovascular markers in those with elevated levels.


Natural remedies for high blood pressure symptoms

  • Essential oils – they decrease emotional stress, dilating arteries and acting like antioxidants which reduce oxidative stress. Use oils like sweet marjoram, frankincense, neroli ylan ylang, and lavender. Include couple of drops of any of them and massage it with a lotion into your body.
  • Reduce stress – once it is done, the high blood pressure will drop. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or excessive eating. Practice deep breathing, meditation, and healing prayer.
  • Increase physical activity and exercise – engage in some form of physical activity or exercise at least 20 minutes per day.


Risk factors and root causes of high blood pressure

  • Not being physically active – your heart has to work harder with each contraction.
  • Pregnancy – it contributes to high blood pressure.
  • Too much sodium in your diet – the blood pressure is increased as sodium causes your body retain fluids. Children are also at risk due to poor style living.
  • Certain chronic conditions – sleep apnea, diabetes, and kidney disease increase the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Too little potassium in your diet – it helps in the balance of the sodium content of the body’s cell, thus if you don’t consume it enough you can accumulate too much sodium in your blood stream.
  • Being overweight – when your body weight increases it needs more blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, with that the pressure on the artery walls and blood pressure increase.
  • Age – with age the high blood pressure increases and is more common among men at the age of 45 and women at the age of 65.
  • Tobacco use – it raises blood pressure as the chemicals damage the lining of the artery walls, causing your arteries to narrow.
  • Too much alcohol – it damages your heart and affects blood pressure negatively.
  • Stress – it leads to temporary increase of blood pressure.
  • Race – African-Americans develop high blood pressure earlier than Caucasians. Kidney failure, stroke, and heart attacks are also more common among them.
The Avocado Peel Is Really A Gold Mine, A Pure Remedy For Chilly Sores!!!

The Avocado Peel Is Really A Gold Mine, A Pure Remedy For Chilly Sores!!!

The Avocado Peel Is Really A Gold Mine, A Pure Remedy For Chilly Sores!!!

A number of studies have demonstrated the amazing benefits of the avocado peel with regards to health. Most recently, new therapeutic compounds had been found in this particular fruit which has proven to be extremely helpful.

The actual outer layer or the shell, has attributes that assist in the treatment of malignancy, heart diseases, along with other afflictions, based on a research introduced at the 255th National Conference of the United States Chemical Community.

This research is the very first which was able to highlight the importance of avocado seeds husks, and researchers pretty soon started to call it ”the gold mine” because of the large quantities of valuable substances.


  • The researchers ground about 300 dried out avocado seeds shells as well as obtained almost 600gr of natural powder that they prepared in order to get around three teaspoons filled with oil, and additionally about 3gr of polish wax.
  • During this research process, they discovered 116 substances in the avocado’s essential oil and additional 16 in the avocados seed shell as well.
  • One of the components that makes the actual avocado} oil which is found behenyl alcohol, is the greasy alcoholic drink also known as docosanol.

  • This essential oil is used for the preparation of antiviral medicines, especially for treating chilly sores created by the herpes virus.
  • They also discovered heptacosane, the substance that may inhibit the expansion of tumor cells in your body.
  • It is believed that approximate production of avocados per year in the world is in the range of 5 million pieces, however, only a few producers extract the natural oils for our consumption through the seeds.
  • In most cases, these people eliminate the covering shell that encompasses the avocados prior to processing all of them.
  • Scientists claim that from this breakthrough, they will strive to modify a number of these natural substances found in the fresh avocados peel off layer so that they can be applied as medications which will cause little to no side effects when ingested as medicine.
  • Now you know that the avocado is not just a fresh and delicious fruit to enjoy during the day, but it may also be used as a natural remedy to boost up your health.
You’ve Been Throwing Away Your Avocado Seeds Because No One Told You They Fight Cancer!

You’ve Been Throwing Away Your Avocado Seeds Because No One Told You They Fight Cancer!

You’ve Been Throwing Away Your Avocado Seeds Because No One Told You They Fight Cancer!

Many people are unaware of the fact that avocado seed has more antioxidants than most fruits and veggies. As a matter of fact, it has even higher antioxidant content than most healing teas! Not only avocado seeds yield massive amounts of antioxidants, but they also give you more soluble fiber than any other food or beverage! Avocado seeds contain antioxidant-dense oil that lowers high cholesterol and helps prevent heart disease and stroke.

Regular consumption of avocado seeds helps reduce inflammatory diseases in the body, particularly when it comes to relieving swelling in the gastrointestinal tract. Apart from aiding the GI tract, these seeds also help alleviate constipation and diarrhea.

The phenolic compounds in avocado seeds are beneficial for soothing gastric ulcers, while their antiviral and antibacterial properties make them an effective preventative measure against ulcers along the lining of the digestive system.

Why You Should Eat Avocado Seeds

1. Kills Cancer Cells

Up to 70 percent of the antioxidants in avocados are found in the seeds.  The seeds contain a potent antioxidant called flavonol, which helps prevent and inhibit tumor growth. According to a 2013 study published in Pharmaceutical Biology, avocado extract from the flesh caused apoptosis of leukemia cancer cells.
Another study published in the journal Cancer Research found that Avocatin B, a compound found in avocado seed extract, protects against human acute myeloid leukemia cells.


2. Strengthens The Immune System

Avocado seeds contain catechins and procyanidins, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and diseases.
Avocatin B, the flavonol as mentioned earlier, found in avocado boosts immunity and keeps cold and flu at bay.


3. Heals Digestive Issues

Avocado seeds have been long used to treat GI-related issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, and gastric ulcers. As already discussed earlier, avocado seeds contain more soluble fiber than any other food.


4. Protects Heart Health

Avocados are packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and due to their fiber and amino acid content the seeds help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular issues.

“This soluble fiber binds to the fat and excess cholesterol. Then we can lower cholesterol and improve heart function naturally. Soluble fiber is tough to get in our diet. Oatmeal has some, but it cannot compare with the avocado seed,” Dr. Tom Wu says.


5. Live Longer, Feel Better

Components in the avocado seeds can reduce bone disease, aches, pains, and joint discomfort, which helps you feel younger.
Antioxidant content combats free radicals that cause premature aging and illness. What makes avocados effective in slowing down the aging process is their ability to synthesize collagen.

Ultimately, avocado seeds lower blood sugar levels and thus help you maintain your weight within the healthy range.  Its high content of healthy fats will keep you full for longer, which means that you will not be indulging in snacks all day.


How To Prepare Your Avocado Seeds

  • Keep the seeds the next time you eat an avocado, wash them, pat dry, and then bake in the oven or dehydrator until the outer skin of the seed cracks – approx. 2 hours at 250°F (120°C).
  • Discard the outer skin.
  • The seeds will now be soft enough that you can use a knife to cut it into smaller pieces.
  • Cut the seeds into smaller pieces, put them in a blender, and blend until powdered.


How To Use Your Avocado Seeds Powder

There are many ways you can use your avocado seeds powder. You just need to be creative.

Sprinkle the powder into your juices, smoothies, oatmeals, soups, salads and in just about any meals. Or simply put half a teaspoon of the powder into a cup, pour hot water and make a tea infusion. Let steep for about 10 minutes.

Avocado seed powder is like your own super-healthy supplement powder. So next time you eat avocados, remember to save the seeds!

New Study Shows Ginger Is 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (And Only Kills Cancer Cells)

New Study Shows Ginger Is 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (And Only Kills Cancer Cells)

New Study Shows Ginger Is 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (And Only Kills Cancer Cells)

Turmeric has widely been toted for its effect on cancer, but new research has shown that its cousin ginger is just as powerful.

Not only that, an active compound in ginger has potentially been found to be more effective than some cancer medications at killing cancer. There is even preliminary evidence of some cancer medications being ineffective and actually accelerating the death of cancer patients.


One study, conducted by Georgia State University found that ginger extract was able to reduce the size of a prostate tumor by 56% in mice. In addition to its effect on cancer, ginger was also observed to reduce inflammation and supply the mice with life-enhancing antioxidants.

Another study published in PLoS found that one particular component in ginger known as 6-shogaol is superior to conventional cancer medication, namely chemotherapy, at targeting the cause of breast cancer malignancy: breast cancer stem cells (1).

Sometimes referred to as ‘mother cells,’ cancer stem cells are the cause of a wide range of cancers, not simply breast cancer. These ‘mother cells’ are responsible for creating the different ‘daughter’ cell types that make up the tumor colony. While cancer stem cells only constitute .2 to 1% of the cell makeup of the tumor, they seem to be almost ‘immortal.’

What that means is, these cancer stem cells can self-renew, they are capable of continuous differentiation, are resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents, and are capable of splitting off and forming new tumor colonies. The only way to fully ensure that your body is cancer free is to destroy the cancer stem cells within a tumor.


This new study found that the pungent constituent in ginger known as 6-shogaol was very active when it came to anti-cancer stem behavior. This constituent is produced when the root is either dried or cooked, to very common uses for ginger already. But there is something very specific about 6-shogaol that makes it potentially superior to some available chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

Researchers found that these cancer-destroying effects occurred at concentrations that were non-toxic to non-cancer cells. That means that this particular component of ginger only killed cancer cells, leaving healthy cells alone. This makes it very different from conventional cancer treatments that do not display that kind of selective cytotoxicity.

When it comes to breast cancer, 6-shogaol significantly affects the cell cycle, resulting in increased cancer cell death. It induces programmed cell death through the induction of autophagy. It also inhibits breast cancer spheroids (lumps) from forming. But that isn’t the only astounding thing about 6-shogaol.

This study also found, that in tests of the cancer drug Taxol, it did not show the same level of effectiveness at destroying cancer stem cells and tumors as 6-shogaol. Even when the concentrations of Taxol were increased, it was still found that 6-shogaol was 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer stem cells, stopping tumors from forming, and keeping healthy cells alive.

Although more research needs to be done to show how ‘modern cancer medicine’ may not be as effective as natural remedies, this is promising preliminary research.

Here 10 Signs Of Vitamin “C” Deficiency!!!

Here 10 Signs Of Vitamin “C” Deficiency!!!

Here 10 Signs Of Vitamin “C” Deficiency!!!

Vitamin C is considered to be one of the most beneficial vitamins. It is abundant in health benefits that can even protect us from wrinkling or eye diseases.

That’s why it is recommended to intake plenty of vitamin C when you have a cold or flu.

You can’t intake too much vitamin C, but, on the other hand, if your levels of vitamin C are low it can cause various health problems.


These are some of the most common signs of vitamin C deficiency:

You Easily Bruise

  • Experts claim that you bruise more easily if you have vitamin C deficiency anemia and you don’t intake the sufficient amount of vitamin C.
  • If you started to notice that you have many bruises on your legs and arms, intake foods that are abundant in vitamin C, for example, red peppers, oranges or kale.


  • Most of the capillaries in our nose located at its front are responsible for nosebleeds.
  • When you’re deficient in vitamin C, they become more sensitive, so you get more nosebleeds.


Wounds Heal Slower

  • Having enough red blood cells is “a must” for our organism since we need them to carry oxygen through our body.
  • These red blood cells are very important because they are responsible for the process of blood clotting and even growth of new cells, new skin, new hair etc.
  • If you’re (like skin, new cells etc.) If you aren’t getting enough vitamin C deficient, your body will have difficulties producing the proper amount of these cells.
  • Your wounds will heal much slower than before.


Fatigue & Depression

  • Fatigue is very common nowadays.
  • It can be the underlying cause of various conditions.
  • If you’ve started to feel moody or very tired, try to increase your intake of vitamin C.
  • See if that works for you. But, if you don’t notice any change, visit your doctor.


Irregular Heartbeat

  • Iron is absorbed better in our body with the help of vitamin C.
  • Low iron can make us develop pregnancy complications, heart problems or anemia.


Swollen Gums

  • Unhealthy teeth or gums won’t appear if you consume vitamin C regularly.
  • Teeth loosening or erosion of the gums can appear because of vitamin C deficiency.
  • Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for good gum health.
  • It strengthens the lining of the epithelium which is a barrier that prevents bacteria from penetrating the gum line.
  • People who have common periodontal problems should be tested for low levels of this vitamin.


Swollen Joints

  • Scurvy can appear because of a severe lack of vitamin C.
  • The most common symptoms of this disease are muscle weakness and swollen joints.
  • Collagen can’t form as it should when we have low levels of vitamin C.
  • The connective tissue between our joints is made of collagen.
  • Your joints start to suffer if your body can’t produce collagen properly.


Dry Hair & Nails

  • Collagen is very important for numerous areas of our body.
  • It is also responsible for keeping our skin healthy.
  • If you don’t intake enough vitamin C, you’ll probably notice redness, small hard bumps, dryness, and wrinkling on your skin.


More Frequent Illness

  • A healthy immune system is the best thing that will help you fight off any illness or disease.
  • We need vitamin C because it is responsible for the strengthening of cells in our body.
  • According to a recent study from the National Library of Medicine, the levels of vitamin C under stress or you are sick.
  • You’ll also have a very hard time to recover if you are deficient in this vitamin.


Weight Gain

  • The amount of vitamin C we have in our bloodstream will affect the way our body oxidizes fat.
  • According to a study performed by an Arizona State University, the participants who had low levels of vitamin C had higher body fat mass.
  • If you notice that you’ve gained weight or you can’t lose weight, intake foods that are abundant in vitamin C.
  • If you somehow can’t acquire that, take a vitamin C supplement.
Here Are 5 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack. All Women Need To Know!!!

Here Are 5 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack. All Women Need To Know!!!

Here Are 5 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack. All Women Need To Know!!!

A heart attack occurs in the case of a severe reduction or a complete blockage of the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle.

The main cause is the slow narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart with blood due to a buildup of plaque. Studies have shown that 43.8 million women are currently suffering from some kind of heart disease.

Women are more prone t heart diseases than men, and they have the highest risk of death due to a heart attack than all cancer types combined.

Yet, heart attacks are more commonly associated with men, so this contributes to an increase in the risks as women do not regard a heart attack as a possible culprit when it occurs.

The most common symptoms of heart attacks are more subtle in women, and they might even associate them with something less serious, like the flu, for instance.

Therefore, it is important to know these warning signs of a heart attack in women:


Pain in Areas Other Than the Chest

  • In most cases, the pain occurs in areas other than the chest, like in the arm, back, or the jaw.

Chest Pressure

  • Even though this pressure is not as intense as in men, women often experience an uncomfortable squeezing, pressure, fullness or pain in the center of your chest for a few minutes.
  • Women depict it as an upper back pressure similar to squeezing or a rope being tied around them.

Sweating & Shortness of Breath

  • If you experience a break out in a cold sweat, which gets aggravated by exercise or is accompanied by chest pain, you should immediately call 911.

Nausea or Vomiting

  • These signs are often attributed to issues like a stomach bug, but before a heart attack, women often experience nausea or vomiting.

Unusual Fatigue

  • If you are constantly tired without any evident reason, and if you also experience some of the symptoms above, you should definitely visit your doctor.
  • However, you can take some preventative measures which can help you lower the risk of a heart attack:

Eat healthy foods

  • You should focus on fruits and vegetables, especially garlic, as it lowers blood pressure.
  • Also, the increased risk of a heart attack is often linked to inflammation, so you should also consume Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties which lower the accumulation of plaque in the arteries.

Reduce the Sugar intake

  • The excessive consumption of sugar negatively affects the body, reduces good cholesterol and increases triglycerides, thus raising the chances of experiencing a heart attack.

Take Supplements

  • To dilate the arteries, and help the flow of blood, you should take fish oil.
  • Also, vitamin C prevents damage of the arteries, while vitamin K protects against calcification (hardening of the arteries), which might be another cause of a heart attack.


  • The strenuous daily activity might raise the risk of a heart attack, but moderate exercise reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • Yet, always remember not to wait in case you suspect you are having a heart attack.
  • Instead, you should immediately call 911 and get to a hospital.
 8 Foods That Could Help Your Hair Grow Faster

8 Foods That Could Help Your Hair Grow Faster

8 Foods That Could Help Your Hair Grow Faster

Whether it’s a personal challenge to see just how long your hair can get, or to grow out a look that isn’t doing you any favors, or because you just want to be able to throw your hair into a ponytail again, most of us have been eager to get our hair to grow faster at one point or another.

You may have found vitamins or shampoos or tried to get your hair to grow longer out of sheer force of will. You’ll have likely found that most of these things? Do not work. That’s why we went to professionals to find out exactly how to get our hair to grow by making changes to our diets.


This fish is loaded with the strong hair supporters like vitamin D and protein, and it also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair growth by keeping your scalp healthy. A win-win.


Yellow bell peppers have nearly five and a half times more vitamin C than oranges (341 milligrams, as opposed to 63). This is very good news for your locks—vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens the hair shaft and hair follicles, as well as prevents breakage.


Zinc deficiency has been known to cause hair loss and poor scalp conditions, and oysters are loaded with zinc—just three ounces contains 493-percent of your daily value. But not just any oysters will do: Steer clear of the ones caught in the Gulf of Mexico, which may contain unusually high levels of Cadmium due to the 2010 BP oil spill.


Eggs are an excellent source of that aforementioned omega-3s, and they also contain biotin (which many people trying to grow their hair take in supplement form). But be aware: It’s not the “healthier” egg white that will make your hair long and beautiful, it’s the yolk. Eating too many egg whites can actually block the absorption of biotin into the body, causing a depletion of this micronutrient.


Just a few little seeds can supply you with an abundance of vitamin E, which will enhance blood flow to the scalp and promote faster hair growth.


Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, the precursor for vitamin A that not only promotes a healthy scalp but effectively promotes hair growth, too. Choose foods loaded with beta-carotene over supplementing with high doses (over 2500 milligrams) of vitamin A from retinol, since it can be toxic at very high levels.


Due to their high concentration of essential fatty acids naturally found in skin cells (which help to keep your skin smooth and supple), avocados are an age-old beauty secret. When topically applied to the hair and scalp, they have the added ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Mix a little avocado with sour cream (which contains lactic acid to help exfoliate dead skin and clean up buildup on the scalp) and apply to your hair and scalp for about ten minutes before washing off.


These nuts will make your hair grow faster and thicker due to their high biotin content. One cup contains nearly one-third of your daily requirement. You should be able to see the results in a month or two of adding them to your diet.


Spinach and other dark leafy greens, like Swiss chard and broccoli, contain vitamin A and C, which help your body produce the oils necessary to keep your hair grow healthy and strong. Results may take six months to a year to take their full effect.