Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

The consumption of a glass of warm lemon water the first thing in the morning is one of the healthiest habits you can have.

Lemon juice is a potent antioxidant, high in potassium, vitamins C and B, carbohydrates, volatile oils, and other healthy components. Its regular consumption helps digestion, boosts immunity, helps weight loss, reduces food cravings, and balances the pH levels in the body.

Therefore, lemon juice can help you treat the following health issues:


Cold and flu

Its powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties are useful in the treatment of colds and flu.


Lemons neutralize acidity, which is the perfect environment for various inflammatory conditions.

Poor immunity

Lemon water improves the lymphatic function, which helps the immune system to spot and remove pathogens.

Foodborne diseases

Lemon water is a successful way to prevent food poisoning.

Kidney stones

The high amount of potassium elevates the citrate levels in the urine, which prevents the formation of oxalates.

Joint swelling and pain

Lemon juice eliminates the deposits of uric acid in the joints, and thus prevents inflammation and arthritis.

Extra body weight

Lemons regulate blood sugar levels, and the pectin in them prevents food cravings. They also help digestion and stimulate bile production, which helps the body to easily break down food.

Gallbladder ache

The consumption of lemon water with meals will soothe gallbladder ache.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

The consumption of lemon water will provide positive effects within 2 weeks.


You can treat the fatigue due to fibromyalgia by drinking lemon water and doing yoga stretches.

Sore muscles after workout

To soothe the pain in the muscles, drink lemon water after a heavy workout.

Weak finger nails

The juice of lemons removes the white spots on the nails and strengthens them.

Acne treatment

Lemon water prevents acne and treats them. All you need to do is to rub the problematic areas with a squeezed lemon.

How to Remove Dental Plaque

How to Remove Dental Plaque

How to Remove Dental Plaque


Oral health is a very important issue for a person as it is part of his/her body health. 

When you try to keep your teeth healthy, you have to deal with plaque or calculus, which is usually yellow-colored. Generally, you should visit a dentist to have it removed, but you can also remove it at home by using one of these methods.


Food coloring

Food coloring is an effective way of removing dental plaque. Apply some petroleum jelly on your lips for protection, then mix several drops of food coloring with a teaspoon of water. Brush it around your mouth, then rinse with water. Eventually, brush your teeth as usual.


Old cheese, Cheddar, Swiss or fragrant, eaten before meals, prevents acids from producing the plaque.


Baking soda

Baking soda is a very popular ingredient used in dental care. You can either apply baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush as usual, or mix it with some salt, for a better result. You can also prepare a mouthwash by combining ½ cup of baking soda with 1 cup of water, 4 tsp of vegetable glycerin, 10 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp of Aloe Vera gel. Use the mixture once or twice every day.


Strawberries and tomatoes

Both ingredients are rich in vitamin C, which maintains the health of your mouth by removing plaque and tartar. You can simply rub the strawberries or tomatoes onto your teeth and leave them action for about 5 minutes. Clear your mouth with baking soda and warm water in order to remove stains from your teeth.

3 T-Cell Tricks To Activate Your Body’s Own Cancer-Killers!!

3 T-Cell Tricks To Activate Your Body’s Own Cancer-Killers!!

3 T-Cell Tricks To Activate Your Body’s Own Cancer-Killers!!

The annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC ended recently, and a new cancer-killing therapy was a big topic.

Researchers revealed that they had taken human T-cells and engineered them to identify, memorize and attack tumor cells. The therapy didn’t work for everyone and some patients experienced toxic side-reactions and died. However, some of the patients had many other therapies that failed, and some people were in complete remission after 18 months.

It’s great that scientists have used the body’s own natural cancer-killing cells in their research. But like many of these therapies, scientists are calling T-cells a “living drug” so they can patent and sell an eventual therapy … which won’t be available to the general public any time soon.

Fortunately, what is available to you are your own T-cells.

They’re not a drug, and they already attack cancer cells. Plus, you can increase their cancer-killing effectiveness starting right now. Here are three natural ways to boost the cancer-killing effectiveness of your T-cells:


  • The prestigious journal Nature published a study with a stunning discovery: T-cells don’t work very well unless your vitamin D receptors are activated.
  • In other words, T-cells won’t activate without enough vitamin D.
  • The study also says you can increase your T-cell responsiveness by 750 percent by making sure you have a good amount of vitamin D.
  • Direct sunshine is best because our bodies make vitamin D from the sun’s rays.
  • If you can’t get some sun every day, it’s best to get at least 3-5,000 IU of D3 daily.
  • You might need as much as 10,000 IU if you’ve been out of the sun for most of this winter already. 


  • Or make sure it’s in your daily multi-nutrient.
  • Selenium is well-known to be cancer-protective.
  • But studies show it also increases the effectiveness of T-cells and makes them more powerful.
  • Fortunately, you don’t need much selenium. You do need more than the RDA, which is only 55 micrograms.
  • It appears that up to but no more than 200 mcg a day is a good target. You should get it from food.
  • A few Brazil nuts will give you all you need. Or you could eat plenty of eggs, fish, and mushrooms. 


  • It’s easier to say that its Latin name, Uncaria Tomentosa.
  • This plant is native to South America, and its health benefits are so powerful that it’s now being studied to see what it can do against cancer.
  • What they’ve discovered is that cat’s claw cat’s turns on T-cells and unleashes them against many diseases.
  • Like the T-cells in the study, cat’s claw seems to stop cancer from spreading.
  • You will normally see cat’s claw in supplement form at a 350 mg daily dose, and it’s standardized to contain 8% carboxy alkyl esters, which is the active compound.
  • Mother nature provides many options to skyrocket your body’s own natural cancer defenses–and more and more people are turning to them.
  • In 2005, 72 million people sought alternative treatments, many like the ones you can read about in Dr. Michael Cutler’s Surviving Cancer manual.
Cancer Dies Immediately If You Eat These 7 Food!

Cancer Dies Immediately If You Eat These 7 Food!

Cancer Dies Immediately If You Eat These 7 Food!

Nature has amazing means to protect us from various diseases that can occur. These 7 types of foods can effectively prevent and treat cancer naturally. They can prevent the formation of cancer cells and thus reduce tumor and cancer cell growth.

Those are all very common types of food that you are probably eating every day and apart from being delicious they have a lot of health benefits to offer.

They all can inhibit the process of angiogenesis and cut out all the blood supply to cancer cells and thus starve them from all the important nutrients for their development. These following foods have anti-angiogenesis properties and can successfully neutralize the activity ov the activators and put a stop to angiogenesis. 


They can prevent prostate cancer by 50%. Tomatoes also contain lycopene that is a substance that can put a stop to angiogenesis and that makes it a powerful anti-cancer agent. Lycopene can be easily metabolized and its concentration can really increase by exposing it o high temperatures. That is why cooked tomatoes are better for reducing cancer growth.


Dark Chocolate

Moderate amounts of high quality dark chocolate with 70% and more cacao parts can be very beneficial if consumed daily. It can protect the cardiovascular health and have a great effect in cancer prevention and treatment.


Coffee and Green Tea

Coffee and green tea contain caffeine that can be very beneficial but they also contain a lot of other substances that can bring you a lot of health benefits and increase your energy levels in a healthy way and reduce the growth of cancer.



Turmeric is probably one of the heathiest spices and contains one very potent and active ingredient and that is the curcumin. Consuming this spice on a daily basis can prevent the cancer development.


Raspberries and Blueberries

They are very rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that are essential for preventing free radical damage and have anti-cancer effect especially for ovarian cancer. They can also lower the oxidative stress and prevent angiogenesis.

She Turned 2 Simple Ingredients Into a Cure For Cancer, Then the Government Did This To Her…

She Turned 2 Simple Ingredients Into a Cure For Cancer, Then the Government Did This To Her…

She Turned 2 Simple Ingredients Into a Cure For Cancer, Then the Government Did This To Her…

Dr. Johanna Budwig is a popular and respected doctor, who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine six times.

She dies in 2003 at the age of 95, and during her life, she cured 90% of her cancer patients.

Her cancer treatments included non-toxic ingredients which lead to absolutely no side-effects. Her success made nuclear and pharmaceutical industries regard her as an enemy and tried to suppress her work. Due to this, numerous people have not heard about the Budwig Protocol.


In her own words:

“I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country.”

It is not surprising that the Big Pharma is not interested in finding a cure for cancer, as they cannot profit from dead and healthy people. Until now, cancer is the most profitable disease in medical history, so they would do everything to keep it that way.

The main factors for its development are toxins, radiation, and acidosis, all caused by pharmaceuticals and malnutrition.

Acidosis is the last stage when the body is acidic and the blood cannot retain and carry oxygen as before. As measured by a pulse oximeter, the blood oxygen level of healthy people is between 98 and 100, and only 60 in cancer patients.

Therefore, oxygen in the blood is substituted with wastes like carbon dioxide, and its lack causes the formation of tumors and mutations of cells in order to supply energy from a sugar fermentation process.

This process is not biochemically “clean” and the waste products of fermentation accumulate in the tissues and lead to even higher toxicity, acidosis, and cellular oxygen starvation. In the end, cancer cells multiply and lead to death. This theory was confirmed and backed up by Dr. Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Prize in 1931.

Oxygen is the crucial weapon in the fight against cancer, and the treatment of Dr. Budwig stimulates the oxygen supply better and faster than other therapies.

Namely, this protocol adjusts the body’s pH beyond neutral, and thus alkalizes the body, meaning it is full of oxygen, which destroys mutated cancer cells.

Dr. Budwig’s protocol involves the consumption of common flaxseed oil and quark cheese. She discovered that the “healthy” (fat-free) diets aggravate the state, so she removed the damaging fats and foods that lead to cellular oxygen starvation and substituted them with healing foods and essential fatty acids.

Moreover, she also emphasized the role of sunlight, as a natural source of vitamin D3, which has potent anti-cancer properties.

The treatment consists of two stages, the first one being the consumption of all-natural, combining protein-sulfur of quark/cottage cheese omega-3 fats from flaxseed. She discovered that the body synthesizes omega-3 from flaxseed oil in the needed quantity. She explains:

“Without these fatty acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty acids impairs many vital functions.

First of all, it decreases the person’s supply of available oxygen. We cannot survive without air and food; nor can we survive without these fatty acids. “

This medicine was ingested orally, and in the case of terminal cancer, she administered flaxseed oil in enema form. The other part of the Protocol consists of a special diet which should be followed for over 6 months.


Here is the recipe of the medicine:


  • 2-5 tablespoons of flax seed oil, about 10 supplement capsules, or 1-3 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed
  • 1 cup pure quark cheese
  • little cayenne

It is also crucial that the quark cheese is not made with homogenized milk, and the flax oil or ground seed should be used right after exposure to air. Stir the medicine using a wooden spoon.

Then, this medicine should be taken orally at least once a day.

Furthermore, these are the tips for the diet during the second stage of the protocol:


The Diet!

  • Consume only freshly prepared foods
  • Avoid butter and margarine
  • Avoid all processed foods
  • Avoid soft drinks
  • Avoid sugar and add grape juice to sweeten other freshly squeezed juices
  • Avoid commercial mayonnaise, toppings, and salad dressings
  • Avoid non-organic and non-range-fat meats
  • Avoid pure animal fats, like fatback, lard, dripping, and etc
  • Your diet should be chemical-free
  • Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices made of celery, carrots, and red beet.
  • Drink a cup of warm tea three times a day, like grape, peppermint, rosehip tea, and sweeten it with natural sweeteners only
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup
  • Limit the use of all pharmaceuticals
  • Avoid tap water and bottled water, and use only fluoride-free products

Plus, you should follow these tips:

  • Avoid cosmetics and sunscreens
  • Avoid white flour, white bread, white rice, white salt, white sugar, and all foods that contain chlorine compounds
  • Avoid fish oil and non-flax sources of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Avoid “table” salt and replace it with high-quality unbleached sea salt
  • Avoid hydrogenated oils
  • Consume a teaspoon of cold pressed organic coconut oil daily
  • Avoid soy products and canola oil
  • Use cold-pressed, organic flax seed oil which is protected from air, heat, and light
  • Supplement with chlorophyll
  • Take vitamin C daily, but no more than 5 grams daily to prevent kidney stress
  • Drink green drink daily
  • Use oxygen drinks several times a day
  • Always buy some safer alternatives to detergents, bleaches, and common soaps from health food stores

Six of the books of Dr. Budwig are available in German and only the following three have been translated into English:

  • Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer And Other Diseases (Fette als wahre Hilfe gegen Arteriosklerose, Herzinfarkt, Krebs) 1972
  • Cancer – The Problem and the Solution (Krebs. Das Problem und die Lösung) Sensei Verlag (1999)
  • The Oil-Protein Cookbook (Öl-Eiweiß-Kost) Sensei Verlag (2000)
The Doctors Cannot Find Any Explanation! This Regenerates Your Bones, Recovers Your Vision And Improves Your Memory By 70%!

The Doctors Cannot Find Any Explanation! This Regenerates Your Bones, Recovers Your Vision And Improves Your Memory By 70%!


The Doctors Cannot Find Any Explanation! This Regenerates Your Bones, Recovers Your Vision And Improves Your Memory By 70%!

These 15 natural tips will help you strengthen your memory, as well as make your brain work faster and regenerate your bones!



In addition, you will also improve and in some cases recover your vision, but you must be constant in taking them so that you can enjoy better results. These are all natural ingredients that you will surely find in your pantry or refrigerator. Incorporating them into your daily life will not take much time, effort or money. They are natural and delicious!

They are natural and delicious!

  1. Rosemary – One of the most powerful ingredients for increasing your memory and improving your concentration is rosemary. It has been proven that its chemical composition increases brain performance and its smell is very pleasant. Place a rosemary plant in your home or use its essential oil for massages. You can also add it to your meals.
  2. Beetroot – It improves the blood flow in our body and brain.
  3. Whole eggs – They sharpen the memory because they contain ingredients that are beneficial for the health of our brain.
  4. Fish – It contains Omega-3 which is essential for brain health.
  5. Avocado – It increases the blood flow to the brain.
  6. Cranberries – This fruit has many antioxidants that protect the brain from aging.
  7. Onion – It improves the memory. It is better to consume it raw.
  8. Whole grains – They contain Omega-3, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, which help our brain health greatly.
  9. Tomatoes – Tomatoes contain lycopene, which protects brain cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  10. Green tea – It improves the memory and increases brain capacity. Take 2 to 3 cups. It also increases concentration, cognitive functions and electrical connectivity of the brain.
  11. Black chocolate – This rich food contains many antioxidants and caffeine, which increases your concentration and memory.
  12. Acorn squash – It is a great ally for increasing your memory because it is filled with vitamin B12 and folic acid, which protect our brain from injuries.
  13. Nuts – They increase the flow of oxygen and possess numerous nutrients, in addition to Omega-3, which strengthen the blood vessels in the brain.
  14. Turmeric – It contains curcumin that prevents inflammation and increases memory.
  15. Apple – It is excellent for keeping fit and taking care of your brain health.

In addition to improving the brain health, vision and bones, these foods also contribute to putting in shape your general health. Try them in your daily diet and you will not regret it!

19 Signs Parasites Are Residing In Your Body-These Herbs Can Help Destroy Them

19 Signs Parasites Are Residing In Your Body-These Herbs Can Help Destroy Them


19 Signs Parasites Are Residing In Your Body-These Herbs Can Help Destroy Them

Parasite infections have become quite common, but luckily there are plenty of natural ways to get rid of them. The first thing to do in such cases is to strengthen your immune system using certain herbs, before treating your parasite problem.



There are plenty of symptoms, and here is a list of the most common ones:

  1. Constant yeast infections such as Candida
  2. Appetite loss
  3. Headaches
  4. Unexplained hunger
  5. Constant fatigue
  6. Mood swings, depression, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and irritability
  7. Gum bleeding
  8. Constant cravings for sugars and processed foods
  9. Sensitivities and allergies to foods
  10. Iron deficiency or anemia
  11. Skin issues like acne, lesions, hives, rashes, sores, ulcers, itching dermatitis, weeping eczema, and others

  12. Fidgeting and nervousness
  13. Issues with breathing
  14. Drooling during sleep and grinding of teeth
  15. Memory-related issues
  16. Menstrual issues with women/reproductive dysfunctions with men
  17. Stiff and sore joints
  18. Ithcing all over, particularly around the nose, mouth, and anus
  19. Consistent digestive problems

But there is a way to cleanse yourself of such problems. These herbs and foods are the best way to do so naturally.



Garlic is already famous for being a powerful natural antibiotic. It kills over sixty types of fungus and twenty types of bacteria. And even some of the most infamous viruses.It’s also a potent parasite killer and is used for controlling secondary fungal infections. It has potent antioxidant properties and can prevent oxidation which is the result of parasite toxins.The active compounds in garlic, called ajolene and allicin are great for killing amoebas and parasites, and this includes hookworms, pinworms, and one-cell varieties.But in order to get at the allicin, one needs to chop or otherwise ‘damage’ the garlic, or even take it in oil form.



They are herbs with potential germicidal abilities. Caryophyllene is to thank for their antimicrobial properties. What they do is enter one’s bloodstream and destroy not only the microscopic parasites, but also any larvae and eggs.Cloves are excellent for treating malaria, cholera, scabies, tuberculosis, as well as any parasites or fungi such as Candida, and even all types of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Shigella.



It gives your circulation a boost and helps with digestion. It is also beneficial for treating nausea and gas. Its role in improving the acid production of your stomach contributes to killing parasites and preventing any infections.Fresh ginger is best for getting rid of mucus, and the ground variety for any digestion issues.



Did you know these seeds do wonders for removing any tapeworms from your digestive tract?This is all thanks to the beneficial enzymes they contain. To achieve a quick cleanse, what you do is grind some heirloom cucumber seeds into powdered form and add one teaspoon of it to any healthy daily drink of your choice!

They are toxic to parasite eggs due to the natural fat they contain. Additionally, the Curcurbitin in them has potent anti-parasitic abilities. What it does is paralyze the worms so that they drop off one’s intestinal walls.In fact, these seeds have been, and are still being used today in the Chinese healing culture for treating tapeworm infestations. Grind half a cup of these miracle seeds and add the powder to any salad or smoothie of your choice.



During your parasite cleanse using these herbs, it is also very important that you consume probiotics like kefir, raw yogurt, and sauerkraut. This is to make sure your good bacteria is not entirely depleted from the parasite-destroying herbs.



While we advise you to stay away from any tropical fruits due to their high sugar content during your parasite cleanse, papaya is an exception as it kills off not just tapeworms but basically any other parasites in your body.Their seeds are their secret weapon, and according to research done by The University of Maryland Medical Center, combining them with organic honey cleans stools of parasites.Another good recipe is to take the grinded seeds of a medium-sized papaya, add a cup of coconut milk and one tablespoon of organic coconut oil, then add the rest of the papaya and mix all of the ingredients together in a blender.You should drink this blend each day for a week.



It had to come up sometime. This miracle multipurpose spice is also anti-parasitic, as well as being anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. For best absorption, you should mix it with some pepper and coconut oil.



The walnut’s green hulls in their dried and ground form are high in tannin (an organic iodine) and juglandin.Our ancestors have used them a long time ago to naturally rid their bodies of parasites, including ringworm which causes skin irritation. They are effective blood oxygenators, and this is what kills off any parasites.Other than that, they also aid your body in detoxifying itself and lowers any high blood sugar levels.



This special herb has potent anti-fungal properties. It can quickly kill off any mold, fungus, and parasites, as well as give your health and circulation a boost. It’s also an excellent enhancer of any other herbs you use.African cayenne is the best way to go. Sprouted pumpkin seeds, cayenne, and ginger are a miracle combination against intestinal bugs.

The University of Maryland suggests these natural solutions for parasites:

  • Garlic
  • Barberry
  • Anise
  • Curled mint
  • Goldenseal
  • Oregon Grape
  • Wormwood
  • Black Walnuts

It’s also strongly advised to get a good night’s sleep in order to give your body the chance to repair its immunity. Also, drink plenty of water each day and do more activities which promote relaxation and boost your energy. Stay healthy!

She Rubs Her Hand With Apple Cider Vinegar Twice A Week… The Reason… I’m Trying Tonight!

She Rubs Her Hand With Apple Cider Vinegar Twice A Week… The Reason… I’m Trying Tonight!

She Rubs Her Hand With Apple Cider Vinegar Twice A Week… The Reason… I’m Trying Tonight!

Natural remedies are extremely effective in the treatment of various ailments and health issues. Their biggest advantage is that they cause no side-effects.

This article will reveal the recipe for a natural remedy which relieves unbearable pain in the hands, even if conventional treatments and therapies fail to deliver results.


A girl shared her own experience with it in order to stimulate others to try it and finally solve this issue:

“A few years ago I’ve experienced severe and terrible pain in the joints and arms. I went to see a doctor and I was diagnosed with arthritis, probably because of hard work and malnutrition.

I’m not a person who reaches for drugs and medications immediately, so I’ve decided to try a natural remedy instead. I talked with my doctor, and he told me that I should try apple cider vinegar. I’m using this apple cider vinegar treatment for 2 months now, and I’m feeling much better.

In the first month, I was using this apple cider vinegar treatment three times a week, and now just two times a week. I soak my hands in apple cider vinegar bath before I got to sleep every night, and the pain and the burning sensation will simply disappear.

I’ve also used a natural drink made from these 3 natural and super healthy ingredients: apple cider vinegar, water, and honey. I highly recommend this super healthy remedy to everyone, because it’s extremely effective and amazing.”

Apple cider vinegar is a miraculous remedy when it comes to some health problems and it can be used as a rubbing agent, as a bath ingredient, as well as a medicinal potion. For instance, it is the most effective remedy in the case of joint pain or arthritis. Moreover, it is inexpensive and easy to use.


All of the three treatments with apple cider vinegar are really effective and simple:


Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and apply this combination on painful joints, and you will experience relief very soon.



ACV baths offer numerous health benefits. You should add a cup of apple cider vinegar to 6 cups of water and soak the hands or feet in this solution. You can also apply it on a compress and apply it on the affected areas.


Healing Potion

For oral use, you should add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 300ml water or a fruit juice, stir well and consume it 3 times a day, before meals. Apple cider vinegar is a strong antioxidant, and it effectively detoxifies your body.

Furthermore, note that you should make some lifestyle and dietary changes needed, in order to boost the effect of natural remedies, such as apple cider vinegar.

This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

Today, we will suggest the best natural remedy in the case of nail fungus. It contains only 2 ingredients, and we believe that you already have them in your kitchen. Namely, these two are baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

These are extremely effective in the fight against fungi, and these germs only thrive in a limited pH range. Yet, baking soda is alkaline in nature, while apple cider vinegar is acidic. Hence, their mixture is incredibly successful in fighting the ideal fungal environment, and preventing fungal development.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar is extremely useful in the case of numerous other diseases. Yet, for best results, always use brands that contain the “mother” substance floating at the bottom of the bottle, as it is responsible for the most of these benefits of apple cider vinegar.

The amazing 2-ingredient remedy:


  • Baking soda
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Warm water


In a small basin, pour some apple cider vinegar, and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Pat them dry. The, fill the basin with water and again soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Next, add baking soda to the water, and leave your feet to soak for another 20 minutes.
This procedure should be done few times a day.

The treatment should be done on clean and dry feet. If you repeat it frequently, nail fungus will disappear in several weeks.
Fungi thrive in a dark and moist environment, so try to wear pip-toe shoes as often as possible. Furthermore, it is also very important to do regular pedicure, and clean the nail tips using a brush and some tea tree oil.
You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!

You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!


You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!

Pickle juice is highly beneficial ,it contains vinegar, garlic, onion, salt, and sugar, also can include  turmeric, cloves, celery seed, and dill.


Uses of Pickle Juice

1. Eases heartburns 

the vinegar in pickle juice supports the production of more natural antacids
balance the acidity in the body

2. Control blood sugar levels 

a small serving of vinegar before a meal helps regulate blood sugar levels

3. Dill is healthy 

dill pickle juice contains quercetin
quercetin has cholesterol-lowering properties

4. It contains antioxidants 

rich in vitamins C and E
protect the body from free radicals

5. Soothes sunburn 

pickle juice is yet another effective tool to soothe itching or stinging.

6. Relaxes the muscles 

lack of electrolytes causes muscle cramps
pickle juice is an excellent source of electrolytes
only a few spoonfuls of pickle juice diluted in water will relax the muscles almost instantly.

7. Treats sore throat 

gargling Pickle juice is same as gargling warm salt water,it balances your pH levels and destroys germs

8. Fertilizes plants 

pickle juice helps them grow and adds color to your garden as it gives them purple color.

10. Cleans copper pan 

apply some pickle juice and remove the dull color and char.

Ways to Drink Pickle Juice 

  • Mix a few ounces into water for your after workout recovery drink
  • put pickle juice to salads, egg salad, tuna salad and any other place you need acidity
  • add several tablespoons of pickle juice in your yogurt
  • add it to any marinade or use it as a salad dressing

Side Effects of Drinking Pickle Juice ,Are There ???

Pickle juice doesn’t cause side effects, but some health conditions may be worsened by it. 

  1. Avoid pickle juice if you have gout because drinking pickle juice may cause uric acid build up.
  2. Avoid pickle juice if you are on a low sodium diet because pickle juice may interfere with your medications.