This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

This Super Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe Will Eliminate Your Nail Fungus Forever

Today, we will suggest the best natural remedy in the case of nail fungus. It contains only 2 ingredients, and we believe that you already have them in your kitchen. Namely, these two are baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

These are extremely effective in the fight against fungi, and these germs only thrive in a limited pH range. Yet, baking soda is alkaline in nature, while apple cider vinegar is acidic. Hence, their mixture is incredibly successful in fighting the ideal fungal environment, and preventing fungal development.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar is extremely useful in the case of numerous other diseases. Yet, for best results, always use brands that contain the “mother” substance floating at the bottom of the bottle, as it is responsible for the most of these benefits of apple cider vinegar.

The amazing 2-ingredient remedy:


  • Baking soda
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Warm water


In a small basin, pour some apple cider vinegar, and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Pat them dry. The, fill the basin with water and again soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Next, add baking soda to the water, and leave your feet to soak for another 20 minutes.
This procedure should be done few times a day.

The treatment should be done on clean and dry feet. If you repeat it frequently, nail fungus will disappear in several weeks.
Fungi thrive in a dark and moist environment, so try to wear pip-toe shoes as often as possible. Furthermore, it is also very important to do regular pedicure, and clean the nail tips using a brush and some tea tree oil.
You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!

You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!


You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!

Pickle juice is highly beneficial ,it contains vinegar, garlic, onion, salt, and sugar, also can include  turmeric, cloves, celery seed, and dill.


Uses of Pickle Juice

1. Eases heartburns 

the vinegar in pickle juice supports the production of more natural antacids
balance the acidity in the body

2. Control blood sugar levels 

a small serving of vinegar before a meal helps regulate blood sugar levels

3. Dill is healthy 

dill pickle juice contains quercetin
quercetin has cholesterol-lowering properties

4. It contains antioxidants 

rich in vitamins C and E
protect the body from free radicals

5. Soothes sunburn 

pickle juice is yet another effective tool to soothe itching or stinging.

6. Relaxes the muscles 

lack of electrolytes causes muscle cramps
pickle juice is an excellent source of electrolytes
only a few spoonfuls of pickle juice diluted in water will relax the muscles almost instantly.

7. Treats sore throat 

gargling Pickle juice is same as gargling warm salt water,it balances your pH levels and destroys germs

8. Fertilizes plants 

pickle juice helps them grow and adds color to your garden as it gives them purple color.

10. Cleans copper pan 

apply some pickle juice and remove the dull color and char.

Ways to Drink Pickle Juice 

  • Mix a few ounces into water for your after workout recovery drink
  • put pickle juice to salads, egg salad, tuna salad and any other place you need acidity
  • add several tablespoons of pickle juice in your yogurt
  • add it to any marinade or use it as a salad dressing

Side Effects of Drinking Pickle Juice ,Are There ???

Pickle juice doesn’t cause side effects, but some health conditions may be worsened by it. 

  1. Avoid pickle juice if you have gout because drinking pickle juice may cause uric acid build up.
  2. Avoid pickle juice if you are on a low sodium diet because pickle juice may interfere with your medications.
This is The Reason Why They Give Gelatin to Sick People in Hospitals: When You Find out The Reason, You’ll be Shocked!

This is The Reason Why They Give Gelatin to Sick People in Hospitals: When You Find out The Reason, You’ll be Shocked!

This is The Reason Why They Give Gelatin to Sick People in Hospitals: When You Find out The Reason, You’ll be Shocked!

For those who don’t know what gelatin is, we are going to tell you in this article.Gelatin is made of glyceine and proline, the 2 amino acids which most people fail to consume in sufficient amounts.

This is because they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues, and organs that people don’t consume them anymore. This is really bad,because the amino acids are needed for the proper skin, nail, and hair growth and also for the weight regulation and optimal immune function. Glycine is the compound that makes 1/3 of the amino acids in gelatin and contains anti-inflammatory properties that are able to accelerate the wound healing and improve the quality of your sleep.

The Million-Dollar Question – Why Do They Give Jello to Sick People in Hospitals

Jello is regarded as clear liquid and it’s one of the easiest foods for the body to digest, just as water, tea, broth, and juice. 

So, lots of patients situated in hospital are given Jello as their stomach is not able to handle anything else. These people need to get calories from foods that are not putting too much pressure on the stomach, for that reason Jello is ideal for them, due to the sugar content and the high calorie index. Simply, Jello is very easy to get through the system. Anyone who is recovering from some disease needs something very easy to digest, such as liquids and Jello. Another reason why Jello is being served is hospitals is because the staff prepares a lot of it and very often end up with leftovers that has to be used somehow. Gelatin stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and restores the healthy mucosal lining of the stomach, and it in turn improves the gut integrity and digestive strength. This is very important because low stomach acid and impaired gut barrier are the 2 most dominant digestive issues in the modern world. Additionally, gelatin promotes healthy bowel movements and a good intestinal transit by absorbing the water and keeping fluids in the digestive tract.


Benefits of Gelatin

  1. Gelatin contains very high amounts of protein and so it’s a great way to add more protein in your regular diet. In fact, only one tablespoon of gelatin provides up to 6 grams of protein.
  2. Gelatin attaches to the water and allows the food move through the digestive system much easily, and that in turn improves digestion.
  3. Adding gelatin to you regular diet will help heal the lining of your stomach and the digestive tract. It also heals food intolerances and some allergies.
  4. As a result of its amino acid content that is essential in preventing degeneration of the cartilage in joints, gelatin promotes the joint and bone health.
  5. Gelatin stimulates the elimination of the toxins from the body as glycine, the amino acid that is found in gelatin, helps the liver to remove the toxins from the system.
  6. Gelatin contains keratin, the strong protein naturally found in the hair, teeth, nails, and skin. And so, gelatin promotes the hair, nail, and teeth health.
  7. It improves the elasticity of your skin because it’s made up of collagen. The regular consumption of gelatin helps you to look much healthier and much younger than any other collagen facial cream.
  8. Gelatin promotes accelerated wound healing because the glycine, the aforementioned amino acid, acts as very powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
  9. According to one recent study, the gelatin consumption helps people to sleep better. The people who participated in the study reported better cognitive function and less daytime drowsiness.
  10. Last but not least, the gelatin is able to promote healthy weight loss. According to experts, it boosts the metabolism and stimulates the production of the Human Growth Hormone.


Delicious Homemade Jelly – RECIPE

Ingredients you need: 
  • 3 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
  • One cup green tea
  • Honey or stevia
  • A cup of orange juice
  • One cup grape juice or fresh strawberries

Instructions for preparation: 
  1. Cook the green tea and if you like, you can add the honey or stevia
  2. Stir in the unflavored gelatin and allow it to dissolve
  3. Remove it from heat and leave it to cool off
  4. Add the orange and grape juice
  5. Now, transfer the mixture into a container and keep it refrigerated for no less than 3 hours.
Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Arteries, Lower Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System!

Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Arteries, Lower Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System!

Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Arteries, Lower Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System!

Are you one of the people who ask themselves “How can I unclog my arteries or clean my arteries without surgery?” and, “What are some good heart foods?”

Firstly, quit doing the things that give you atherosclerosis in the first place. Said in different words, the arteries do not become clogged just by luck of chance, and hopefully you are aware of this.

Which is, they become clogged by a series of choices.

This is by the food you have eaten all throughout the years and of how much you exercise. Before getting the therapies that can heal your atherosclerosis and unclog arteries, you shall first stop the clogging.

The conversation shall continue after the recipe… 

German cholesterol tonic for lower cholesterol

In order for you to prepare the recipe, you will need garlic, lemon, ginger, and water. If you truly want to improve your immune system and lower cholesterol, unclog your arteries as well as detox your liver, this remedy shown below is a perfect choice.

The preparation of the same is very simple as well as very economic. 


  • 2 tablespoons of organic ginger root powder,
  • 4 organic lemons,
  • 4 organic garlic gloves,
  • 2 liters of purified water.


Firstly, you should wash the lemons and cut them into slices, but preserving the rind. After that, peel the garlic and blend it with the lemons and the ginger. Mix everything until you get a well consistent mixture.

After the mixture becomes homogenous, put it in a pan and add the water inside it. Then, leave it on the stove until it starts boiling while stirring it continuously. After some time, put it out from the stove and let it cool down. After it is cooled, strain the liquid and put it into a bottle or a glass jar.


How to use it:

Drink one glass of this mixture on an empty stomach two hours before taking your meal, for three weeks continuously. After that, take a break for a week and then start again for three more weeks. In case you don’t like the flavor you can add a little bit of honey in order to sweeten it.

Results shall appear very soon, in the first three weeks of using. You will feel more energetic and your basic health will be very improved and you will achieve lower cholesterol.


Clogged arteries myth

There is a myth about what causes clogged arteries and coronary illness. The same is persisted since the 1980s when the enormous dietary foe was fat. It seemed like the entire nation was fleeing from fat and at the same time running toward foods made with ridiculously large amounts of sugar.

Doctors have said that fat was a huge disease causer, and everyone was told to start an extremely low-fat diet. Even the American Heart Association has recommended that the people at risk of heart disease or those who already suffered a heart attack shall avoid all fat in their food.

Many people were told to go on 10 grams of fat in one day or even less than that.

And there is one big mistake, that all fats are lumped into the same group, so whether it is fat from fish oil or fat from beef lard, it was considered the same fat and as an enemy of the human health.

In any case, obviosly, we know now that the hysteria about fat was just that – nothing but poorly justified fear as a result from major mistakes by medical researches, also in combination with a big marketing push on the part of food producers who have discovered that selling sugar to the people was much easier, as well as more profitable than selling fat.

So what does all this has to do with stopping the clogging of your arteries? It’s actually very simple. There exist good, healthy fats that you must include into your diet if you want to unclog your arteries. And today it is very well known that there fats are omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and fish oils.

Basically, the fats we find in oily fish, seeds, nuts and fruits like avocados (which is technically a fruit, not a vegetable).
Doctors Hide This, Learn How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Doctors Hide This, Learn How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Doctors Hide This, Learn How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck below your Adam’s apple, is your chief gland of energy and metabolism and is like a master lever that fires up the genes that keep cells doing their jobs. You can think of the thyroid as a fundamental mechanism in a complex machine, as every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors.

You can help thyroid function with proper diet, exercise, rest and minimizing stress in your life.

Many people today in our countries are diagnosed with problems of the thyroid and other but not yet diagnosed have symptoms If you suspect that you have thyroid problems is important to see a holistic doctor, to thereby obtain the necessary evidence from laboratory. Along with your doctor, you worked on finding the root causes of your thyroid problem. The thyroid problem will not disappear if the causes are not found.

Luckily thyroid can heal naturally through diet and changes in our lifestyle. Here I present some ways to begin to heal your thyroid naturally: 

# 1 Finding a good holistic doctor to seek the causes of their problems thyroid gland.

Your thyroid problems will not disappear unless the causes are addressed. I can not stress this enough. A good holistic doctor will work with you to discover the underlying problems that are causing the problem and work towards a solution that works for you individually


# 2: Avoid Gluten

Gluten in the United States is extremely inflammatory and acid, and is a major cause of thyroid dysfunction. Gluten causes an autoimmune response in many people and is now being considered as the cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune common thyroid disease.


3 Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil does not interfere with the conversion of T4 to T3 as many of the oils we use in cooking. Coconut oil increases metabolism and helps you lose weight. GI and also supports immune health, which are key in helping the thyroid. Replace your coconut oils by this and also make sure to consume at least 1 tablespoon per day.


# 4 Avoid peanuts and peanut butter, also contain goitrogens


# 5 Eating Seaweed and other sea vegetables

Algae and other sea vegetables like nori, kombu, wakame should be eaten frequently. These foods are the major dietary source of iodine and comes loaded with many other beneficial nutrients.


# 6 Drinking Bone Broth daily

Broth bones healthy, pasture-raised animals is a wonderful healing elixir that helps cure and seal the intestinal mucosa and also strengthens the immune system. Both are crucial for optimal thyroid health. Drink 1 cup of broth daily bones and add a pinch of sea salt and seaweed flakes to further support the health of the thyroid.


# 7 Optimize the consumption of vitamin A, D and K2 levels.

These vitamins are critical for good health and thyroid hormones. Recent studies indicated that people with thyroid problems deficient in these vitamins in your body


# 8 Natural All

Our body is overloaded with so many products today chemicals, toxic foods, toxic our air, at home we quantities of cleaning products cleaning and beauty, all filled with toxic, which greatly influence the health of our thyroid.

Practice some relaxation therapy, such as yoga, meditation or tai chi is very good to regulate thyroid function, especially if the problem was caused by trauma, major depression or very bad news. In turn, this will bring benefits in your daily life, not only in regards to this gland.

Here 6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Consumed During A Month Can Be The Cure To 5 Different

Here 6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Consumed During A Month Can Be The Cure To 5 Different

Here 6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Consumed During A Month Can Be The Cure To 5 Different

Being diagnosed with cancer can be very stressful and worrying. Cancer can be life-threatening, and its treatment can also wreak havoc on the body.

This is why many people opt for alternative medicine that can offer less negative side-effects but that can still help treat cancer. If you have been recently diagnosed with any form of cancer, there is one alternative treatment option that you should consider: the moringa plant.

The moringa plant has been used for centuries to treat anemia, arthritis, diabetes, and epilepsy, but it has now garnered attention from the alternative medicine and even traditional medicine worlds for its cancer-busting properties. Because the moringa plant contains benzyl isothiocyanate, it is completely anti-tumor, making it possible to achieve similar results to chemo without the negative side-effects. For people who still want to get chemotherapy or radiation treatments, the plant can strengthen cells so that the damage of these treatment options is diminished.

The moringa plant is highly beneficial to anyone going through cancer because it has a number of nutritional properties. It has vitamins and minerals, it contains calcium, potassium, iron, and so much more, making it a

wonderful way to keep yourself strong while undergoing any type of treatment. This plant has seen to be effective when treating ovarian cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, and even pancreatic cancer.

The moringa plant can be easily purchased online or at any locations where exotic plants are sold. Since all parts of the plant are edible, there is no waste if you purchase a limited amount of leaves or fruits. Many people choose to plant it instead, in order to have a constant supply of this special plant. It can be added to teas, soups, or any other meals, and the seed pods can be chewed to extract all of the juices while discarding the fibrous casing. In many cultures, even the roots are used by shredding them and adding them to meals as a condiment. All of these ways of using the plant can provide the nutritional and health benefits you want when battling any form of cancer.

If you are considering starting a treatment using the moringa plant, it is important to know that although trials on animals and in laboratories have shown excellent results, there is no human data available yet on using the moringa plant for cancer. There are no serious side effects associated with this plant when eaten in amounts of up to 6 grams a day for three or four weeks. It is important not to consume this plant while pregnant since it can cause contractions in the uterus. It is also not recommended to be taken with other prescription medications since it can enhance the effects of these to an unsafe level.

For anyone going through cancer treatment or who is about to start it, this is a plant to add to your diet. Its nutritional values can provide the boost you need to fight cancer and its lack of serious side effects will offer you the kind of results you want without making you sick. Take the time to read up on this promising option for all cancer sufferers who want to find another way of battling this terrible disease.
Unclog Your Arteries and Lower Your Blood Pressure With This German Remedy

Unclog Your Arteries and Lower Your Blood Pressure With This German Remedy

Unclog Your Arteries and Lower Your Blood Pressure With This German Remedy

There are many risk factors of high blood pressure like smoking, diabetes, low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and the most common reason is clogged arteries.

Fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, fibrin and other substances forming plaque on the inner walls of the arteries. Clogged arteries have smaller volume and low capacity which can be a reason for high blood pressure. Having a high blood pressure and clogged arteries at same time can be very risky.

Following healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food is essential for keeping arteries clean. If clogged arteries are open issue for you, then follow this remedy and clean them.

You will need: 

  • 4 organic lemons
  • 1 small piece Ginger root
  • 4 large garlic cloves
  • 2l clean drinking water


First, wash the lemons and ginger root well. Cut the lemons on small slices and together with garlic cloves and ginger root put them in a blender. Blend the ingredients until you get fine mixture. Put the water in a pot and heat it. Remove the pot from the stove when it starts boiling and put the mixture from the blender in the boiled water. Let the mixture cool down on room temperature. Strain and store the juice into glass bottles and put in a fridge.


How to use this remedy?

Drink half glass of this remedy first thing in the morning. Consume it for 3 weeks and make one week break. You can repeat the treatment many times without any side effects. Remember to shake the drink before consuming.

Here Are 7 Foods We Eat at Wrong Hours That Are Harming Our Health!!

Here Are 7 Foods We Eat at Wrong Hours That Are Harming Our Health!!

Here Are 7 Foods We Eat at Wrong Hours That Are Harming Our Health!!

Eating some food items at their specific times is very important to get all their benefits. When eaten at the wrong time, these food items can cause harm to our health in different ways.

For eg. eating a banana at night can put us at risk of a cough and cold, whereas sugar can put us at risk of gaining weight when eaten at night. Below are the 7 foods we eat at wrong hours that are harming our health.

1. MILK 

  • Best Time To Drink: Night
  • Experts claim that the best time to consume milk would be in the night, rather than in the day because it takes a long time to digest and might make you feel lethargic.
  • Drinking milk at night relaxes your body and enables the cells to absorb the nutrients effectively, while you rest.
  • Worst Time To Drink: Morning
  • Due to more physical activity in the mornings, milk can become heavy to digest and also mess with your meal timings.

2. RICE 

  • Best Time To Eat: Day
  • Consuming rice for lunch is a perfect time since your metabolism in the daytime is much higher than at night, it gives you ample chance to use up the carbohydrates.
  • Worst Time To Eat: Night
  • Rice should be avoided at night, as they are high in starch content and may leave your stomach with a bloated sensation through the night.
  • Also, consuming rice at night may promote weight gain, as it takes longer to digest and our body is completely at rest.

3. CURD 

  • Best Time To Eat: Day
  • When eaten in the daytime, curd helps in the digestion process and soothes the digestive system. It is a probiotic food that aid in gut health.
  • Worst Time To Eat: Night
  • Eating curd during the night can badly affect the respiratory tract causing cold and cough and leads to mucus formation.


  • Best time to eat: Morning
  • Ice creams, chocolates and every food items that are loaded with sugar, should be consumed in the mornings.
  • This is because our body insulin is more effective in fighting sugar at this time of the day.
  • We are also more active in the day, so our body is able to burn more sugar throughout the day.
  • The worst time to eat: Night
  • Consuming sugar at night will only increase your body fat since physical activity is also at a low at night time.


  • Best Time To Drink: Night
  • Pulses and beans are loaded with dietary fibers. When taken at night, they help in digestion and lower the cholesterol levels. They also help you to get a good sleep.
  • Worst Time To Eat: Morning
  • Avoid eating fibrous foods such as sprouts, lentils, beans etc. in the morning or during the daytime, since it might increase your appetite and cause you to eat more throughout the course of the day.


  • Best Time To Eat: Noon
  • Banana is loaded with fibers that help in the digestion process. Banana also has natural antacids and helps in soothing heartburn.
  • They also keep the energy level high throughout the day. It’s a perfect before workout food too.
  • Worst Time To Eat: Night
  • When eaten at night, banana increases a cough and cold and leads to mucus formation.
  • Since banana is very rich in magnesium, if taken on an empty stomach at night, it can lead to stomach troubles.


  • Best Time To Eat: Morning
  • Apple is a rich source of fiber called pectin, especially the apple peel is packed with pectin.
  • Pectin helps to smoothen the bowel function, prevents constipation and eliminates carcinogens from the body.
  • Worst Time To Eat: Evening/Night
  • Apple has a high content of organic acid. When consumed at night, it may cause acid reflux due to the release of the acids, thereby increasing the acid levels.
Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach!!!

Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach!!!

Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach!!!

In many cultures, garlic was revered as the “king of spices,” not just because it’s delicious, but because of the numerous health benefits, it brings. It helps normalize your gut flora, strengthen your immune system, and fight off bacterial infections. Humans began cultivating garlic 5,000 years ago and it’s still going strong today.

Do you know what garlic does on an empty stomach? It’s actually pretty impressive. Eating a head of garlic (normally baked garlic, never raw unless you can handle the taste) in the morning before breakfast has numerous benefits:

1. You’re less likely to get topical infections.

  • Many people apply garlic to their skin to treat warts and fungal infections.
  • Some evidence suggests that the topical use of garlic is also effective against infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.


2. Your blood pressure stabilizes.

  • One study suggests that garlic can significantly reduce hypertension. According to the study:
  • “Garlic significantly reduces mean supine systolic blood pressure by 12 mmHg (95% CI 0.56 to 23.44 mmHg, p=0.04) and mean supine diastolic blood pressure by 9 mmHg (95% CI 2.49 to 15.51 mmHg, p=0.007) versus placebo.
  • The authors state that garlic was “free from side effects” and that no serious side effects were reported.”

3. Inflammation is reduced.

  • In several studies, garlic has been found to work similarly to NSAID pain relievers (ibuprofen)… shutting down the pathways that cause inflammation.

4. Your blood is thinner, reducing the risk of clots.
5. You’ll be less likely to catch a cold or flu.
6. Disorders of the nervous system can be relieved.
7. Garlic reduces triglyceride levels, making atherosclerosis less likely to develop.
8. Garlic can help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

  • A study that used dried garlic demonstrated a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides!

9. Your immune system will be stronger.

  • Just a single clove of garlic contains 5 mg of calcium, 12 mg of potassium, and more than 100 sulfuric compounds.
  • Making it more than strong enough to kill infection and bacteria.
What Are Dates: The World’s #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

What Are Dates: The World’s #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

What Are Dates: The World’s #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

We have something to show you, in case you are searching for the most beneficial food in the world.

We recommend you to try dates. They contain a lot of healthy properties that are able to soothe many health problems, such as strokes, heart attacks, cholesterol, and hypertension.

In no time, they are going to build up the metabolism of the body, because they have great amounts of nutrients. Here are some of the main recommendations why they have to be included in your food menu and why they are so healthy.


Dates are rich in iron

Dates contain great amounts of iron, which is especially useful for those people who suffer from anemia, for children, and for pregnant women. It is sufficient to consume 100 grams of dates per day, which mainly contain 0.9 mg of iron. It is about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron. The iron has also beneficial effects on the red blood cells and hemoglobin, mainly supporting the flow of oxygen through the blood.


Dates prevent diarrhea

Dates also have got great amounts of potassium, which is an essential mineral that prevents diarrhea by relieving the belly flora and the intestines, stimulating more effective bacteria in this way.


Dates soothe constipation

Dates have also got relieving properties that can soothe diarrhea and constipation. That is the reason why you should put dates in water to stay throughout the night, and then to drink it in the morning in order to increase good digestion. Its effects are going to be laxative and mild.


Dates control body weight

If you want to prevent excessive fat, you should eat dates on an empty stomach. Namely, it is going to control your body weight, since they have no cholesterol. You have to be familiar with the fact that they are rich in sugar, so be careful when consuming them.


Dates regulate cholesterol

Dates are also useful for the regulation of the unhealthy cholesterol or known as LDL because they cleanse the blood vessels and prevent any blood clots.


Dates strengthen the heart

At night, soak the dates. In the morning, first, strain them and then put out the seeds. You can either eat or blender the seeds.


Dates regulate blood pressure

People who mainly suffer from hypertension have to eat a lot of dates because they are rich in potassium and do not have sodium. Namely, 5 to 6 dates nearly contain 80 mg of magnesium, an important mineral that is spread through the blood vessels and that improves the flow of the blood. Approximately, 370 mg of magnesium are useful for decreasing the blood pressure.


Dates prevent strokes

As previously mentioned in the article, dates have got great amounts of potassium, which is an important mineral that significantly improves the nervous system and also prevents any strokes. Therefore, if you take 400 mg of potassium a day, you have no reasons to worry about.